
Best Tools for SEO Marketers Still Used in 2019

The right tools will make a hard job considerably easier. There are many tools for prospective and professional SEO marketers but this article will focus on the base essentials. Add them to your toolkit and they will certainly make a difference in the long run.

  1. Learn more about your enemies with SEMrush

SEMrush is one of the most popular SEO tools. Users are able to learn more about their own content and the one that is being pushed by their direct competitors. A comprehensive keyword database, full-fledged analysis capabilities and other useful tools will make your job a little easier.

  1. Dig more information with Serpstat

Serpstat is a growing platform that managed to attract a selection of powerful investors. A selection of impressive tools are offered, with the highlights being backlink analysis, an intuitive rank distribution observer and the ability to check archived data of previous rankings. Fresh information is harvested every day, keeping the data relevant. More SEO strategies and techniques are accessible and you can read about this.

  1. Scan your site with Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a great website crawling tool that can be used in order to identify troublesome bugs, gather interesting information and acquire data that will allow you to formulate efficient growing strategies.

A full audit allows users to create and customize valuable XML sitemaps and handy image XML sitemaps that can provide an important advantage in the case of image-based searches.
  1. Know your backlinks with Majestic

Majestic is one of the most popular link index databases. The service claims that over 487 billion unique URLs have been crawled in a span of 4 months, namely the last trimester of 2018. Users are able to learn significant details about target URLs, including backlinks and search scores.

The service is used by a large number of high-ranking firms that are pleased by the results.

  1. Build your links with Mailchimp

Mailchimp is perfect for those that wish to run effective email campaigns and social media ads that will attract new and returning users.


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