
Taking Your Game to the Next Level in Vikings: War of Clans

Thanks to Vikings: War of Clans, anyone who has ever dreamed about becoming a Scandinavian warrior has the opportunity to make their dream a reality. It’s the latest craze in PC gaming, and people are literally jumping at the chance to see what life was like as a savage Norseman.

This freemium game, which was published by the PC and mobile game developer Plarium, is one of the hottest download games, which is indicated by its score of 20 on Google Play Rank in the US and its 11 Usage Rank in Canada. The objective of the game is to work with other players to develop a strong clan. Together, virtual Vikings build towns, coach other warriors, and of course, attack rival villages in the attempt to defeat them and grow their bequest.

Whether you’re interested in playing the strategy game or you’ve been playing for a while and you’re trying to figure out how to impress Odin, here are some tips that will help you take your skills to the next level in Vikings: War of Clans.

Set Yourself Up for Success

That kind of sounds obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. Why? – Because most players tend to be pretty scattered when they first start playing. It’s understandable, too, since there’s so much going on in the game. Instead of randomly building your town or investing troops at random (which is almost guaranteed to lead to failure), set yourself up for success. How can you do that? – By sitting down and really thinking about what you want your town to achieve and how you’re going to reach your goal. In other words, you want to develop a strategy, which make sense because after all, it is a strategy game.

Make the Most of Hero Sets

Of all the tools that are offered on the game, Hero Sets are, without a doubt, one of the most important. Your Hero Set holds the equipment that your warriors can wear; in other words, it’s the summation of the skills that your Vikings have. If you really want to make it to top level status, then you’re definitely going to want to make the most of your Hero Sets. At the very least, you should have a minimum of 1 set for Knowledge and Building, as they can be used together to increase your resource production and yielding.

Spend some time really thinking about your Hero Sets and how they can be used to enhance your abilities, as they are the key to your success.

Avoid Investing Gold on Reviving Your Troops

Gold is a hot commodity on Vikings: War of Clans, and you’ve worked hard to earn it. Unfortunately, a lot of players squander the gold that they’ve put so much effort in to acquire on things that just don’t pay off; like saving Vikings that have fallen. While your warriors are certainly an integral part of the game, instead of spending your gold on refreshing anyone who has fallen, spending it on energy is a better way to spend it, as doing so will give you access to improved equipment.

Designate Troops Type in the Beginning

If you really want to make the most of the game, then you should designate a type for your troop right from the get-go; and once you designate a type, you’re going to want to stay with that type throughout the game. Put all of your energy into your selection, including your Army Knowledge, your Hero Equipment, and your Gems; heck, it’s even a good idea to focus the setup of your Hyperfarm on your troop type.

Connect with a Clan

The central focus of this game is cooperation; therefore, you should connect with a clan as soon as possible. When you hook up with a clan, you’ll be able to take advantage of several benefits; you’ll also be able to unlock different features of the game that you would not be able to if you were clan-less. So yeah, if you want to make the most of the game, then you should really concentrate on connecting with a clan right from the beginning.

Your Shield is Everything

Never, under any circumstances, let your shield down unless you have a very good reason to. A shield is what protects your troops, and if you let it down without a specific purpose, then you stand the chance of having your troops die; if all of your troops die, then you lose big time. So, if you don’t have a good reason to put your shield down, make sure that it is always up and at the ready.

By following these tips, you can take your abilities to the next level in Vikings: War of Clans, and really experience the potential of the game. Also, you can join Vikings: War of Clans’ Facebook community here.

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