
YouTube To Come To Nintendo Switch Soon

As we speak, the only video streaming service available on Nintendo Switch is Hulu, and that’s not quite a feature appreciated by the console’s fans. Now, however, a new rumor says that YouTube would come to Nintendo Switch soon.

According to the guys on ResetEra, some hints pop up, indicating a YouTube app for Nintendo Switch pops up when users search for Nintendo’s website for games. Even though there is no product page linked to the before-mentioned app, many believe that those suggestions hint to an upcoming YouTube app on Nintendo Switch. Also, the same rumors popped up on a French site, Nintendo Home, where users reported they were getting YouTube app suggestions whenever they searched for Nintendo’s game site.

Hopefully, these rumors would turn out right, eventually, as the Japanese Nintendo Switch console lacks a reliable and popular game streaming service. If YouTube would indeed come on Nintendo Switch, that would be excellent.

YouTube To Come To Nintendo Switch Soon

When it came out in March 2017, Nintendo Switch launched with no streaming apps or options. Only in November 2017, roughly one year ago, Hulu streaming service rolled out for Nintendo Switch, while Niconico (a Japan-only streaming app) came out after Hulu. Besides, Netflix, the renowned video streaming service announced in January of this year that it’s in talks with Nintendo for adding Netflix to Nintendo Switch.

While Nintendo Switch is becoming more and more popular worldwide, it would need a popular streaming service to work with to fulfill the fans’ wishes.

As mentioned above, some rumors emerged in the US and France, too, saying that it is possible that a YouTube app to come to Nintendo Switch soon. That would be indeed excellent news for all the Nintendo Switch fans worldwide to get direct access to the world’s most popular streaming service.

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