Games News

PS5 New Leaks: Added Power and Possible Release Date

Almost have years have passed since Sony unleashed the PlayStation 4. The console became a hit, selling more than 80 million units by the summer of 2018.

While a beefier version has been offered in the form of the PS4 Pro, some of the fans are already looking forward to the next member of the PlayStation family. Below you can find a selection of known information and rumors that concern the future device.

Possible Release Date

A possible release date is not yet known. Sony executives have confirmed that the company is already working on the console and the development period could be quite long. A high-ranking Sony employee has declared during an interview offered in May 2018 that the next major jump in graphics could take place in the next two or three years, hinting a possible release date of 2020 or 2021.

Industry sources claim that the console will arrive earlier, most likely during the holiday season of 2019. The claim seems to be based on the fact that Sony decided to skip E3 2019, a choice that has been interpreted by some as a sign that the company is working on a big project.

Added Power

It is likely that the new generation will be able to play games at a native 4K@60fps without any problems. More power is always great but Sony will also take into account the price of the improved performance

Spec List

It is thought that the PS5 will use an advanced AMD processor. Some believe that Sony will pick an 8-core Zen GPU that will be paired with one of the upcoming Navi GPUs that are made by the same company. A bigger storage unit and a 4K Blue-ray player could also make an appearance.

Backwards Compatibility

The decision to remove backwards compatibility on PS4 lead to a disappointed fan base and many hoped that PS5 will be backwards compatible with the previous consoles.

Price Matters

Since the specs remain unknown it is hard to make a reasonable estimation, but it should be on bar with the one of the future Xbox. It is likely that the price will remain affordable as the companies will earn a huge profit from the games that made for the consoles.

News Tech

Electra’s iOS 11.4.1 Jailbreak Latest Details

Coolstar’s iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak was finally released. Even though for that version of iOS, theirs is not the first jailbreak tool, if you are a person who prefers Electra tools over other developers’ creations, you will be pleased to hear the news. A publicly-available jailbreak for iOS 12 is still yet to come so this is the best we can get.

Electra 1.2.3 supports iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak

Electra 1.2.3 is the newest version of the jailbreak tool from Coolstar, and it is compatible with iOS 11.0 through iOS 11.4.1. iOS 11.4.1 was supported for the first time by Electra 1.2.0, but people who tried it claim it was causing some out of nowhere crashes.

To fix the crashing problem, as a result, Electra 1.2.1 was rolled out rather quickly based on what Redmond Pie says. Since then, the website of the Electra team has been updated with additional versions of their iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak. Now the async_wake so jailbreaking 11.0-11.1.2 works properly and the nonce generator button not working issue has been solved.

In July last year was released the first Electra IPA, and the first jailbreak to support iOS 11 through 11.3.1 was also Electra IPA. Pwn20wnd released its unc0ver jailbreak after that release, and their creation seemed to have a better stability than Electra.

Details on Electra’s iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak

According to Redmond Pie Electra enjoys a core following. What they mean by that is that Electra’s iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak being released will make many people happy. Because the jailbreak tool from Electra does not require users to have an Apple developer account anymore to be allowed to use it, it is great. In addition to that, on Twitter, the Electra team said that their tool couldn’t be compared with the vfs exploit redundant as now it employs the newer voucher_swap exploit.

News Tech

Additional Ways to Use Electra Jailbreak

Electra jailbreak tool updated to version 1.2.0 with support to jailbreak iOS 11.4 to iOS 11.4.1

The latest update of the Electra Team was announced on Twitter, and they mentioned that the new exploit is called voucher_swap. Compared to VFS exploits or the conventional multi_path, the exploit is way more reliable. Many people use these types of exploits. If you want to see the  entire changelog of Electra 1.2.0 update with support for iOS 11.4 and iOS 11.4.1 you can do so below:

– Add async_wake exploit to add support for iOS 11.0 – 11.1.2

– Support iOS 11.4 – 11.4.1

– Fix overnight reboots

– Use voucher_swap exploit instead of empty_list for iOS 11.2 – 11.4.1

– Reverted app to git commit 9d9762bdf46f19c4082d82798af41ca273fb0e37 before all code was rewritten from there forward

– Add threadm1ll exploit as an option for iOS 11.2 – 11.4.1 users on A7 or A8 devices

In addition to that, A10 and A11 devices are also supported by Electra 1.2.0. When an exploit for iOS 11.4, and iOS 11.4.1 device was released by tihmstar, previously, to put the magic to work a headphone jack was required. With that being said, this requirement restricted the jailbreak to iPhones older than the 7th generation.

You can find “15A372-15E302” using the hex editor if you are tech-savvy enough and in the binary of electra1141 replace it with “15A372-15G770”  to fix app crashes on iOS 11.2.x. If you do not want to do anything until the official build arrives, you do not have too much to wait.

If you are interested, you can download the Electra 1.2.0 from the official website from the Electra Team. You should keep in mind that before doing so, any pending OTA software updates must be deleted especially if they are from the host device and install tvOS beta profile on the device.

News Tech

Unknown Telegram Tips That Will Improve Your Messaging Experience

Telegram is a messaging app that is slowly but surely gaining more and more popularity. Since both WhatsApp and Messenger are affiliated with Facebook, users started trusting them less. Telegram represents one of the best alternatives out there. The app has numerous innovative functions. Here are some of them.

Custom LED colors and notifications

Telegram allows users to customise notifications and even the LED notifications color. For notifications LED you will need to have an Android phone with a notification LED. Custom notifications are available on all phones. Simply go to Contact info, tap on Notifications and sounds and you will have a chance to change notifications, sounds, priority, LED colours, vibration patterns and more.

Change your number

You might need to change your Telegram phone number at one point. Luckily for you, it is very simple to do that. You just need to head over to Settings and then tap Phone number. There you will be able to change it to a new one. All your Telegram contacts will get your new number added to their address book, as long as they had your old number.

Manage media downloads

Telegram is great for file sharing as it allows you to send files up to 1.5 GB. However, you don’t want your storage to become full so you need to decide which Telegram files should be downloaded. In order to do this you need to open Settings, head over to Data and Storage and choose whether you want automatic downloads When using mobile data or When connected on Wi-Fi.

Hide last seen

Telegram also allows you to hide last seen so that other users can’t see the last time you were online. You can do this by going to Settings > Privacy and Security > Last seen.

Games News

Brawl Stars Get Gems Tweaks

If you need more gems in Brawl Stars, you arrived to the best place. If you follow the steps below, you will get te gems you need without completing complicated surveys or spending real money.

Following the steps below will not take you more then 10 minutes and they will bring you the quantity of gems you want!

Here is how to do it:
1. Before goint to fire up the browser of your mobile phone. Arrived there, you will see there is a small window beneath the section called Special Offers.
2. In the space provided you need to type your Brawl Stars username and then choose from iOS or Android, the platform on which you play the game. After you are done, click on the Proceed button.
3. Now you can choose the number of gems you would like to generate after being redirected to a page. The lowest amount of gems you can get is 30 gems while the highest is 2000. After you choose the amount you want, click on Generate.
4.  After the number of gems is picked, the verification page will open. In order to complete the verification process, you will need to download one of the three different Apps from the list you will see.
5. After picking the app you will be again redirected to the App Store from where the app needs to be downloaded and installed.
6. After that is done, open the App and use it at least 30 seconds. The gems will not be sent to your account unless you follow this important step. In order for the game to verify the authenticity and be sure the App is downloaded it will take a few seconds.
7.  After half a minute of being on the downloaded App you can open Brawl Stars. You will see the number of gems rising with the amount you have chosen!

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