Games News

Pokémon Go Harsh Game Rules – Three Strikes and You are Out of the game

Niantic has announced the introduction of its “Three-Strike Discipline Policy”, whose goal is to eliminate all cheaters from Pokémon Go, and at the same time to educate and warn those who are on the verge of breaking the game’s rules.

The first strike – the game becomes more difficult

If the company suspects that you are acting against the rules, you will see a warning message showing in the Pokémon Go app. As a result of this, your chances to encounter a rare Pokémon drop drastically and you are also excluded from receiving new EX Raid Passes for the following seven days.

The second strike – 30 days of account suspension

Once you commit the first offense, you must act carefully from that moment on, as the punishment for the second strike is the account suspension. If Niantic thinks that you violated the rules again, you will be temporarily banned for 30 days, during which time you will not be able to sign in to your account.

The third strike – termination of the account

Once you receive the strikes number one and two, it is really better to stay away from any troubles, as the third strike will result in the termination of your account. In case you already received your second strike, but still continue to cheat, the company will ban you forever from playing Pokémon Go. As harsh as it sounds, with the implementation of the three strike policy, Niantic at least will warn you and give you a chance to stop breaking the rules before your account gets terminated.

The terminations are unlikely to get overturned

In case your account was terminated due to the third strike, Niantic gives you a way to appeal, but at the same time states that the company’s detection system is extremely accurate, therefore “very few terminations are ever overturned”.

According to Niantic, you can get these strikes if you GPS spoof your location or violate the Trainer Guidelines and the terms of service of Pokémon Go.

Games News

PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two Comes with Streaming Features and New Changes

With the announcements made by Sony and Microsoft regarding the inclusion of streaming on both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Two, many users started wondering if single-player offline gaming is in the future plans of these companies. The gaming giants have already developed their own streaming services, but we do not know yet how important this component of the next platforms will be.

Streaming is the main focus of developers

According to numerous experts, the major shift in the video gaming industry towards streaming may mean that single-player offline gaming will slowly become a thing of the past. The ever growing importance of the internet creates the need amongst developers to constantly improve and expand the online side of their services. This makes us wonder about the future of single-player offline gaming, especially with the increasing use of subscriptions.

Due to the fact that a large part of PS5 and Xbox’s customer base originates from developing countries, known for rather poor service, these two companies will keep the single-player offline games alive, at least for now. It looks like even with the rapid development of streaming, it will take much longer for us to see streaming-only games.

The benefits of streaming

It is predicted that streaming will generate major improvements in the gaming industry. According to Mashable, the processing power of a console will be freed up, and at the same time we will avoid large downloads while updating games.

Google may enter the gaming market

While we wonder about the future of single-player offline gaming, a new player may join the industry. Apparently, Google is preparing the launch of its own console and streaming service, named Yeti. The future could be very interesting with the arrival of Google’s console.

Games News

Clash Of Clans Best Tips and Tricks to Get Better

Top Tricks & Tips for Every Clasher 2018 – Clash Of Clans

This game, Clash of Clans, has been a favorite of many players for more than five years so according to hem, here is some advice you should take advantage of to improve your playing experience.

Here is what every clasher should know:

Tips for attacking:

1) Always think about a strategy while waiting for those 30 second to pass and change the base if you consider you will not get at least two starts from the current base.

2) Never forget luring the castle troops out of the castle and kill them.

3) Avoid putting all your troops at once, before letting you main squad entering always use the clear team to clear the way. The clear squad can have 2 Giants, 4 Wall Breakers, and 4 Wizards.

4) Do not forget to use your spells during the attacks because it is the only way to support your troops during the attack so use them.

Tips for defending

1) When creating your base only use the internet as an inspiration and make sure to change the design accordingly. Keep it original.

2) The center of your base should be where you place the Clan Castle.

3) Always use the compact base design like small boxes design or anti-funneling design in your base.

4) If owning an inferno tower, put it into multi-mode.

5) When they can offer the maximum damage, do not hesitate to use the Hidden Teslas. 15 Tiles radius around the Townhall is beneficial to your hidden Teslas because when troops get near the core of the base they usually lose much of their health and hidden Teslas are the best defense to welcome them in the center of the support.

6) Make sure you upgrade your traps.

Games News

Sims 5 Update – What We Know So Far?

The E3 2018 event hosted Electronic Arts and Maxis’ announcement about the next Sims which came as a surprise for Sims 4 users who they are still to find all the features of it. However, Grant Rodiek, one of the producers of the game made it clear that Sims 5 might not happen if Sims 4’ sales are not as high as expected. But in case it happens, here are some assumptions:

What we want:

  1. A large world and no loading screens
  • The no loading screen feature is not wow, but it is needed
  • Another necessity of the game is the ability to party, go to work and come back home
  1. Drive around your car
  • It will allow the player to move through maps using a vehicle
  1. Toddlers and Parenthood
  • Current players of the Sims 4 are disappointed the toddlers are not included in the game
  1. Aging System and Fully Customizable Characters
  • The actual aging system is not professional, so improvement is expected
  • New choices will be added to customize the characters such as the eye color, hair, skin to tattoos, body type and many more.

When will it be released? 2020 or 2019?

Electronic Arts made a routine on publishing a Sims every four or five years over the last two decades. If we take that into consideration, since 2014 when Sims 4 was released, there will be five years in 2019.

In 2020, however, Electronic Arts and Maxis will celebrate their 20th Anniversary of the Sims franchise so why not give us a present and announce their new base game with a bunch load of features on PC, maybe VR and next-gen consoles? It is still argued when the Sims 5 will be released.

Games News

Minecraft Confirms Super Duper 4K Graphics Pack Release

Minecraft has confirmed the release of the Super Duper 4K Graphics Pack. According to reports, the new pack will be released next year instead of this year. Speculations regarding the pack were there since 2017 and it seems like it is finally making it’s way officially.

The 4K pack is said to be good for those who need something reliable, something steady and want to make sure that their game gets a boost as far as graphics are concerned. Many people will agree that the current graphics of the game might not be the ones that everybody looks out for. However, not anymore, because the Super Duper 4K graphics pack is targeted towards improving the graphics of the game, by in large.

If you are a minecraft PC player, there is an alternative for you, created by some private developers, Shaders Mod adds graphical improvements such as shader, reflexes, hd textures and realistic water. They can be downloaded totally free.

Who Is It For?

The Super Duper 4K Graphics Pack is for those who want a big change in the graphics of their game. If you want to enhance what you look at, see how it looks and other graphical details, this is probably a better choice of update for you because it offers and brings a range of improvements including improved lighting, realistic sets, streaming sun beams, swaying grass and more

The pack is targeted towards improving the graphics of the game and that is where you can experience a big improvement after the update rolls out.

When Is It Coming?

The update is said to grace us officially by next year. There were talks about the update coming forth in 2017 but 2017 passed and we saw nothing. There was also news regarding the update coming forth in 2018 but again, there was nothing. Now it is being confirmed that the update will grace us by next year and people cannot wait.

Is There A Price Tag?

Yes, there is a price tag on the Super Duper 4K Graphics Pack. It is being reported that the pack will cost you somewhere between $15-$25, which is not at all bad, considering that the pack will bring some major improvements as far as the graphics of the game are concerned.

The pack does not touch any other domain of the game but the graphics side. However, some feel that graphics were the ones that needed the most boost so it is a win-win situation with the update for most.

Is It Different For PC Players/Xbox Players?

PC players have been fortunate to experience the boost in graphics on their platforms with the update but the new Xbox One owners still wait for it. There is no confirmation regarding when the update will come to PS4 or Nintendo Switch.

Minecraft gets the much needed and necessary update with the Super Duper 4K Graphics Pack slated for 2019 release. The update is going to bring a lot of fixes to the current game as far as the lighting, graphics, scenes and other things are concerned. It is also being hoped that there are no further delays in the release of the update and that users get the update by next year.

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