Games News

FIFA 19 Latest Release Date and Changes Leaks

Now is the best time to unveil significant details about the upcoming FIFA 19 game.

FIFA 19 rumors and news

Down below we have a list of all the stories heard about the FIFA 19.

Confirmed September 28 release

There will be no extended period of waiting as the release date was confirmed to be on 28th of Septembers and the users can play it on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Hefty introductory prices

It is expected to debut with a pre-order price of $59.99 for the standard edition on Amazon and Champion Edition will sell it for $79.99.

Cheaper cost for Origin’s Play First Trials program

You will be able to play it as early as Thursday, September 20 by participating in the EA Access on Xbox One and Origin Access Basic on PCs.

Return of the Journey

The best feature is said to be The Journey which allows players to explore and customize characters and game modes.

Frostbite will be retained

The Frostbite engine will be used to power this game, but there will be no significant improvement over the visuals.

Champions League gameplay

According to Bristol Post, for the first time, FIFA players will have the experience of the UEFA Champions League. If you are not skilled enough, you can stick to the Europa League.

Possible Nintendo Switch version

Even though FIFA 2018 had a Nintendo Switch version, it was criticised for not having the favorite features such as The Journey and the full career mode. They sold well anyway.

Dynamic Tactics

Users will be able to quickly make changes to the gameplay with the help of Dynamic Tactics. When they are using a specific character, they will be able to speed and swerve better with a perfectionated accuracy.

Games News

Pokémon Go Fest’s Surprise: Steps to Catch Tricky Pokemon

The latest second-generation mythical monster and the last to arrive in the game is Celebi.

This time, contrary to receiving Celebi as a gift just like Lugia, you need to earn it by completing a number of challenges and here is how you can do it.

First step

These research tasks are so simple even an average player can complete them. This is what you need to do:

  1. Catch 15 Pokémon
  2. While walking with your partner Pokémon earn a Buddy Candy
  3. Spin three PokéStops or Pokémon Gyms

To help with these tasks, Pokémon Go Fest will take place at Chicago’s Lincoln Park where you can find lots of PokéStops to run into and keep your Buddy Pokémon happy.

Second step

This one is a little tricky, and you might get frustrated but here is what you need to achieve:

  1. Catch ten grass-type Pokémon
  2. Catch ten rock-type Pokémon
  3. Catch ten fire-type Pokémon
  4. Catch ten ice-type Pokémon
  5. Catch ten water-type Pokémon
  6. Catch ten steel-type Pokémon

Because Pokémon Go Fest is made into four different “habitats ” with each one developed for a specific type of Pokémon, you might need to turn back if you have already passed half your 1.8-mile walk before you reach this phase and the warm weather does not really help.

Third and last step

As this is the final step, it is also the most difficult, but if you have come all the way up to this step, why not continue and get a Celebi?

  1. Hatch three Eggs
  2. Catch seven Unown
  3. Spin three PokéStops

Pokémon Go’s events are the best method of getting an Unown. They are a letter of the alphabet, and you need to catch enough of them to spell “Celebi.”

Not even hatching three Eggs is easy but if you really want this Pokémon good luck in completing all these tasks.


Clash of Clans „No Gems” in Offer: Here is the Solution

u/Royallvl1challenge made a post in this subreddit recently that explains why Supercell can no longer offer gems and outlines the legal walls of the company. Keep reading if you want to know more.

Some people believed that gold should also not be available from these offers, but it is because of the one first layer of gems that is regulated.

The solution

Gem tickets are what Supercell could do to bypass this problem without struggling too much. It can make a second layer of enforced or not regulated gems.

To be more specific, as we say in the US, Gem Tickets are more like a form of „store credit.” From gem tickets you can redeem an x amount of gems based on three kinds of Gem Tickets that you can choose from:: Gem Ticket 500, Gem Ticket 1200, Gem Ticket 2500.

The tickets have a number at the end of it so you can know how many gems can be redeemed for. Later you can add different values to get tickets.

In addition to this, you can buy the tickets with gems, contrary to the gold. However, the Gem Ticket 500 would be sold at the price of 500 gems. This is only a solution for bypassing the problem this the authentic gems as long as they can just be bought with real money. If it is not, maybe the possibility to transfer gems to a friend or receive a gift from one can be added.

TL;DR: The creator company, Supercell is stuck behind a legal barrier, and it prevents them from putting gems in offers. Gem Tickets is the only way we get Gems back in our offers because they can be redeemed for Gems, which technically bypasses the legal barrier.

Games News

Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 – Here are the Best Base Layouts that You Need to Use

The latest update for Clash of Clans introduced Town Hall 12 and this changed everything! Town Hall 12 added a bunch of new troops such as siege machines and the electro dragon which give players new ways of defeating their enemies. However, this is not the only thing that the latest Town Hall 12 does since it can also be used to create new and innovative base layouts. With that said, let’s check out some of the best base layouts and farming layouts that Clash of Clans players can use in order to take their base to the next level.

The Hybrid Base

The best advice that we can give Clash of Clans players who want to improve their base is to never focus all their buildings in one spot. The hybrid base is great for players who love to diversify since it makes it possible for them to protect their trophies and resources at the same time! Let’s say for example you want to farm Elixir, this base layout will help you swap in Elixir Storages in the middle in for Dark Elixir Storage or Gold Storage.

Anti 2-Star Town Hall 12 Trophy

Defense is often the best offense, and this is exactly the model that this base layout has been modeled after. Players who love to push trophies will benefit the most from this base because it will make them victorious against enemies who attack from the bottom side.

War Base Anti 3-Star Layout

This base layout is super effective against enemies who love to attack from multiple sides because it features Inferno Towers in the left and right corners. Therefore, attack moves such as the Queen Walk are impossible to pull off against this type of base layout. To make things even better, the middle paths funnels the enemy’s army.

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Games News

Dead Space 4 – EA Plans to Capitalize On the Game Franchise’s Popularity

Dead Space is one of the most beloved game franchise and fans keep asking for a new installment. There are three Dead Space games available right now and they all are known for their incredible RPG setting and fun gameplay mechanics which leave fans wanting for more. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like we are going to see Dead Space 4 too soon and today we are going to present the top reasons why.

Electronic Arts Involvement

For those who don’t know, EA purchases companies that develop outstanding games and then give them new tasks. This has caused the gaming community to hate EA, and it’s exactly what happened with Visceral Games. Visceral Games is the company that created the Dead Space 4 universe and EA stopped its activity in 2017 when it tasked the developers to create a new Star Wars game.

Zero Official Information

The interesting thing about Dead Space 4 is that neither Visceral Game’s former employees neither EA want to confirm or deny if the highly anticipated game will ever be released. On one hand, this gives fans hope that Dead Space 4 will be revealed in the upcoming future, on the other it doesn’t unveil any details about the game.

Dead Space Art Director Speaks Out

Even though everything is pointing that Dead Space 4 will not arrive anytime soon, Ian Milham who is the Art Director for the game has mentioned in a Reddit post that the “Dead Space” intellectual property is worth a lot of money to EA.

Therefore, the Art Director believes that EA is planning to capitalize on Dead Space’s popularity and surprise fans by announcing Dead Space 4. However, the Art Director has no way of knowing when that will happen.

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