Games News

Kingdom Hearts 3 Best Mini Games Available

Games fans have finally received a particle of the new experience they will live in Kingdom Hearts 3 due to the last trailer. This time Sora will be able to interact with his party and not only with the surroundings and users might be able to play some retro games within Square Enix.

Retro Minigames Featuring in Kingdom Hearts 3

Square Enix will be released on Xbox One and on PS4 and will be featuring games in the LCD manner. For example, one of the games consists of using a hammer to whack enemies while a second one is engaging players in evading a giant as it stomps its feet and if these two do not convince you, another game would be a delivery one. These LCD games will be referred to as “Classic Kingdom.”

Dandelion Meeting, a fan event for Kingdom Heart Union X, draw the attention of users by assuming that these minigames will be available for playing after the release.

Because this game is evolving, Kingdom Hearts 3 is expected to be more times better than the previous one. Even more, both Kingdom Hearts Union X and Kingdom Hearts 3 will be places where the Classic Kingdom could be played.

News: Kingdom Hearts 3 Worlds

Rumors continue to be spread about Kingdom Heart 3 and another news state that new worlds will be included in the upcoming game. Although we already know something about other worlds being revealed such as Monsters Inc. and Toy Story, we can expect a surprise from the game’s creators. Speculations about a Frozen world keep spreading because of some FTP reveals.

In conclusion, Kingdom Hearts fans get ready to experience a range of feels that will be stimulated by the retro minigames and the new worlds.

Games News

Clash Royale Ladder Issues – Here’s How to Improve Match Making

One of the main reasons why Clash Royale has managed to remain a popular game over the years is because of the competitive ladder. This feature gives players a reason to keep coming back and fight against other players. Nonetheless, what better way to brag to your friends than to show off a high ladder position?

Clash Royale Ladder Issue

Even though the competitive ladder might be one of the game’s best features, there are still lots of issues with it. If we take a look at the official Clash Royale forum we are going to see hundreds of threads where fans complain about how broken the ladder is. In fact, one forum user puts the issue like this: “People are losing interest in playing ladder and always complain about bad match making”.

Bad Match Making

Don’t you hate it when you want to give the ladder a try and then get placed with a far superior player? This is bad matchmaking and it ruins the competitive scene to Clash Royale. However, today we are going to present a couple of solutions that will help Supercell get rid of all the issues regarding the ladder.

Improving King Level

The best way to improve the matchmaking in the Clash Royale ladder is to make some changes to the King Level. Let’s say for example players need to gain Experience Points to increase their King Level, but those experience points come only after upgrading cards, wouldn’t this give players more incentive to fight in the ladder?

Another great change that Supercell needs to consider introducing is to make all matchmaking based on King Level. Therefore, a player that has a King Level of 9 will not fight another player that has the King Level 1 because that match would be unfair.

Games News

Clash Royale Is In A Major Decline: Warning Signs

Clash Royale is a video game published and developed by Supercell. The game combines elements from tower defense, collectible card games, and multiplayer online battle arenas. The game was released globally on March 2, 2016. In less than a year on the market, Clash Royale reached $1 billion in revenue, but unfortunately, it is not the same case for 2018.

But, it is expected to die or at least this is what you hear talking here and there. It does have a decline in popularity, but we are not sure if it dies.

  1. Ranking in App Store

Clash Royale’s place use to be in top 10 gaming apps but now it is not even in the 200 trying to keep its 170 place.

  1. Views on Youtube

There are lots of excellent Clash Royale videos made by dedicated Youtubers but no matter the quality of the content, views keep dropping. It went from hundreds of thousands of views per video to 60-70k even on favorite channels like ChiesPat, Molt, and NickatNyte.

  1. Toxicity of Social Media

No matter how good a game is, haters and trolls rise from everywhere, but seems like Clash Royale is finally the first…at being hated. Unfortunately, there is not enough positive feedback to save it.

  1. Profit numbers drop

Its creator, Supercell suffered from a 20.5% drop in revenue because of the overall decline.

  1. Changed YouTubers’ content

Like Clash Royale, Boom Beach suffered the same decline when all the attention was drawn to its competitor and material on youtube changed. The same pattern is supposedly starting to show in the Clash Royale YouTubers, many of whom swapped to other games. It might be a sign that they do not want to be a passenger on a sinking ship.

Games News

How To Face Most Common Clash Royale Problems

This guide is going to introduce you to the most common problems you face during your playing session in Clash Royale and how to avoid them. Problems are usually appearing because of monthly updates, especially after 2018’s May and June updates.

The developers at Supercell are monthly adding new features, balancing gameplay and addressing issues, touch that keep the game evolving. However, it is also the cause of the problem we have ascertained lately.

Clash Royale creates ascending complaints from Apple users in 2018, side by side with older LG phones and Samsung users. Bugs are the main subject of the criticism found on old forums and Reddit. Such bugs are missing quests, game freezes, unable to update, Clan war problems and many more. What affected players the most was the battery drain bug from April’s update.


Do you have any issues while playing Clash Royale? Some users continuously have WiFi drop, can’t watch replays or see the friends list, no matter how good their internet connection is. In addition to this, there are dropouts during the new Clan Wars and quest are not correctly working.

Most of the people report the game freezing or having a lot of bugs along with other small things. They are usually fixed within a period of a few days by the developer. In addition to this, Supercell affirmed that the next release would cause a lot of problems for players with older devices because of the implementation of the significant change.

How to fix the problems

You are not the only one getting annoyed by Clash Royale draining your battery or not even starting, so here are some tips.

  • Physically close Clash Royale by using the multitasking button on iPhone or Android,
  • Restart it or toggle airplane mode on and back off
  • Re-enter your WiFi password
Games News

Clash of Clans Town Hall 12 Community Feedback – The Pros and Cons

The latest update for Clash of Clans introduced TH12 (Town Hall 12) that came with lots of new features, troops and special mechanics. Supercell who is the game’s developer puts a high price on what players have to say about its latest updates and from the looks of it, the feedback regarding TH12 is great!

Town Hall 12 Community Feedback

A veteran player recently started a thread on the Clash of Clans official Forum where he listed everything there is to know about TH12 and the features that it introduced. Today we are going to summarize the thread in order to give Clash of Clans fans an idea of what the community thinks about the latest update and how it impacts the current game.

Town Hall 12

Right from the start, the veteran player who started the thread is saying that TH12 is a great addition to the game. The previous TH11 update introduced Eagle artillery which added a new mechanic to the game and gave players new methods of defeating their foes. Luckily, this is exactly what TH12 does with siege machines and the electro dragon.

Siege Machines

One of the most interesting features to be added in TH12 are siege machines. These devices are really cool because they give players a way to funnel their troops into the enemy’s base. However, the veteran player did say that the cost and training time for siege machines is too high. Waiting 20 minutes for a single siege machine is unacceptable and Supercell should consider changing this.

Electro Dragon

Even though dragons are awesome, the Clash of Clans community has shared opinions about the latest electro dragon. Some people love it because it does lots of damage, but others hate it because it moves way too slow. This is another aspect of TH 12 that Supercell is expected to tweak in a future update.

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