Games News

A Fan Made Reboot of Half-Life 3 Has Been Presented Recently

Half-Life is one of the most successful franchises from the gaming market nowadays. The first 2 parts or the game were incredibly successful due to its emerging character and interesting storyline. Now, the 3rd part of the story is waiting to be written, but so far, no news was confirmed on the matter, so we weren’t sure if Half-Line will surprise us again.

However, it looks like the 3rd part of the game might still be released. The storyline was revealed by Marc Laidlaw, an author with previous experience as scriptwriter for the Valve Corporation. His initiative was welcomed by fans who rushed into providing everyone with news regarding Half-Life 3.

Even so, after the storyline was made public on Laidlaw’s blog, some gamers had negative reactions, saying that they don’t like it. Meanwhile, the majority couldn’t wait to play the new game and see how the scenario would impact it, because they were left with the impression that the idea is really good. Unfortunately, everybody was disappointed by the fact that Half-Life 3 never happened.

Fans were tired of waiting, so they developed a Half-Life 3 Project

Months went by and nothing happened, so Half-Life fans have taken the matter into their own hands. Thus, the speculated plot became a real game which received the name of Project Borealis. The group who worked on it seems to consider their project serious and not an activity performed just-for-fun project. It couldn’t be otherwise since the group is currently using tools like Unreal Engine for their work.

All the fans’ efforts and the quality within the final product were presented in a video which showcases an intense process. Although we are talking about a reboot, the storyline, textures and environments leave us under the impression that we are playing the original game.

If we add the awesome graphics visuals and its surprising weapon styles we can understand why the reboot is a guaranteed success. However, we are still hoping to see the real version of Half-Life 3 and maybe all these efforts will convince developers to take measures for ending the long wait.

Games News

Clash of Clans Doesn’t Work: Best Fixes When It Crashes

Clash of Clans is a very popular game. However, there are some users who have complained about it: their phone crashes or the game simply doesn’t load. Here’s what you should do in these cases.

Follow basic measures

For this one, try to consider re-installing the game, or simply restarting your phone. If this does not solve the problem, then log out of your Facebook and Google account, then log back in. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to check the Time and Date settings or the Time Zone Settings to see if they’re correct.

Check your internet connection

The game might not load because you don’t have a good internet connection. It’s good to check it from time to time. If your Wi-Fi does not work, then switch to your data connection and play the game.

Clear cache and the data of the game

These cases usually occur after an update. It might be because of the cache. You can try to clear the old cache and data, and the game might run as usual. To clear cache, you need to go to the Settings Menu, then go to Application Manager. Now, you need to swipe right to go to All Tabs, then scroll down and look for the game. At this point, you have to click on it, then click on the Clear Cache button and the Clear Data button.

Make the most out of RAM resources

Clash of Clans is a very big game, so it needs all the resources it can get. Try to stop all the background processes and the running apps, then give the game another shot.

Make sure there are no blocked ports

If the internet you’re using comes from a public network, such as the one you have at school or office, your network might block the game, hence the loading issues. What you should do is to filter out the network, then give it another try.

Games News

Clash of Clans Update – The Easiest Guide for Better Performance

Clash of Clans came out in force in 2013 as an Android game, and its popularity is still raising – it’s in the top trending mobile games, and it has earned its place there.

Clash of Clans represents a fantasy strategy game in which a player should build its own town and fight with other players. You need to have all the fighting going on since you’ll get resources to build a defense town – so you’ll need to fight. A lot.

You need to acquire gold, dark elixir and elixir. You’ll use the gold and the elixir to build the defense, then reload it. Defense is a very important part of the game since it’s a must to protect your town when fighting with other players. The elixir and dark elixir are used for training the troops and upgrading them from time to time and to get the spells you’ll need during your battles.

Clan stands for that part of the game when players form a team (a clan) of around 50 people. If players form a clan, it would be easier for them to attack other clans, which are probably larger and they can also share the resources. If you don’t like playing online, the game has a single-player mode, too. In this case, you won’t be attacking other players, but random goblin villages.

Clash of Clans Forum

There are on the internet some Clash of Clans forums that may come in handy. One of them is the official one, called Supercell. This site gives you different venues for your gaming requirements. In the General discussion, you can find a few threads that show the basis of the game – strategy, tactics, improvements. The whole team of developers is behind this forum, so if you have any suggestions, don’t be afraid to help.

Games News

Minecraft’s Aquatic Update: How Can You Help Real Life Oceans

Everybody heard of the new update coming from Minecraft, which is called Update Aquatic. You get to make expeditions to the deep waters and you’ll get some very cool objects to make the most out of.

But here’s the thing: this object also helps the real oceans – the ones from our real world.  

Mojang was the one to post about this, explaining how this new update helps the oceans. This was all a response to climate change, pollution in the water and the fishing methods, which are destructive. They’re all slowly killing our oceans and the lives inside of it.

It happened sometime earlier this month, when the developer of the game talked about a challenge for his players. If they put 10 million coral blocks under the water, the developer would donate $100,000 to the Nature Conservancy. But only if the number was met in the game. It’s good to know that just a few days later, the requirement was met and Mojang kept his promise – he made the $100,000 donation.

Can you still help, even if the event is over?

It also appeared in a video on the internet, where it’s been shown how the developer gave a hand. Even if you’re not able to do that anymore by placing the blocks under the water, you can still help as well. If you buy the Aquatic Skin pack for Minecraft, you will help, as the money goes to Nature Conservancy. Mojang stated that he wants to support this project in the future, too, by raising awareness and attracting donations to make sure people know what’s happening to our oceans.

This update made its appearance earlier this season and it gave new items to the game, such as pressure plates, trap doors, the famous coral blocks and turtle shells.

Games News

Hackers are Listing a Fake Release Date for GTA 6 in the Online Mode of GTA 5

Recently, gamers who were playing GTA 5 in the online mode reported having received an in-game message announcing that Grand Theft Auto 6 will be launched in 2019. According to the franchise’s developers, Rockstar Games, the rumors are fake and not coming from their official channels.

The discussion was opened by GTA Online players on Reddit and the GTA Online forum. Since they thought that the release date for the latest part of the series is finally out, they turned the channels red with questions about the big announcement.

Social media is an important communication way these days, so the Rockstar Support team’s Twitter account was the place where gamers found the answer to their question. The response was, of course, negative, because the official team confirmed the fact that it is a hoax, as many initially suspected.

Rockstar is expected to give some explanations

So far, Rockstar couldn’t explain how this could have happened, but rumors from the Reddit community are speculating that a hacker could have used mods and a security flaw from Rockstar Social Club’s messaging system to send the message. This idea is supported by the fact that pop-ups are appearing mostly in PS3, Xbox 360 and PC versions of the game and here mods are more prevalent.

The whole fuss was started by gamers scepticism regarding Rockstar’s policy to reveal previous release dates for games from the GTA series. It seemed unlikely possible for the developers to simply spread the news about the entry of one of the most expected games from the family. They wouldn’t have done that without building up the users’ excitement by sharing some teasers and a little bit of details first.

With all things considered, GTA 6 is expected to have greater success than the game which is expecting its launch on the 26th of October 2018 – Red Dead Redemption 20. PS4 and Xbox users will be the ones enjoying the game real soon, but PC owners will join them in near future.

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