Games News

Minecraft Update Gets VR Swimming Soon

Minecraft may, unfortunately, be absent from the rundown of applications on Oculus’ new Go headset. The game is as yet going solid on Rift, Gear and Windows VR headsets with a new upload this month.

Toward the end of the last week, designer Mojang propelled the Aquatic Update for the raving success game crosswise over both customary stages and supported VR headsets. This first of a two-section update adds a unique new element to the game: swimming. We’ve generally possessed the capacity to hop into the water and burrow around, yet with the Aquatic update, players will discover whole seas to investigate crosswise over nine biomes: deep frozen, solidified, icy, profound chilly, lukewarm, deep lukewarm, normal, deep normal and warm. Water itself has been upgraded to be more explicit so you can really observe where you’re going and what you’re doing.

What’s new in this update

It’s difficult to trust that Minecraft has been around this long without giving us seas, however the sheer size of this update makes it appear as though it’s been justified regardless of the wait. Players will have the capacity to chase for money boxes in wrecks, employ a trident and open eight new achievements. Ashore, in the interim, you’ll have the ability to climb icebergs and you can likewise swim with dolphins to get a speed boost.

The second piece of this update will come soon, as indicated by Mojang, and will include a bunch of new highlights that weren’t crushed into this launch.

It’s incredible to see Minecraft as yet getting VR updates, regardless of whether we have no clue what the number of individuals is really playing it with a headset. The VR form offers the total involvement with cross-play so you can join your friends on Xbox One and even more than that.

Games News

Pokemon Go Update Download Available with Friends Feature and Trading Pokemons

It’s a component that players distressfully missed from the primary Pokémon series, which has customarily given two players a chance to trade Pokémon. Back in the July of 2016, Niantic’s CEO John Hanke revealed to Business Insider that it’s sort of a central component. Yet it wasn’t until the point when, a week ago, at E3, a Pokémon Go designer depicted the game’s up and coming trading feature.

The thing with the trading in Pokémon Go is that it will just work locally, in about 100 meters of another player. They expected to consider how to bring trading into this game where investigation and investigating new places is central to the game adjust. They would not like to ruin this thing, as said by Pokémon Go’s engineer Kristen Koa at a Niantic lunch. Here are the means by which Niantic depicts trading in their public statement:

About trading

Mentors will gain the Candy of the Pokémon received from trading, and that reward can increment if the Pokémon traded was gotten in areas far separated from each other. The Friendship level between players trading Pokémon will give different rewards including Stardust rebates. Higher Friendship levels between Trainers will open the Special Trades choice, which incorporates the capacity to trade some certain Pokémon, for example, provincial Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon and Shiny Pokémon, and adds new Pokémon to their Pokédexes. However, coaches who require the approval of their parent and registration through the Pokémon Trainer Club to play Pokemon GO will be not able to trade with different Trainers in the game.

About the “friends” feature

Niantic additionally reported that Pokémon Go would welcome the “friends” feature, which will concede players rewards the more they play together. Players can just include companions by utilizing each other’s “trainer codes,” something that may sound commonplace to Nintendo Switch proprietors.

Games News

Top 10 Chart of UK Games: God of War and FIFA 18

With a whole industry concentrated on one event from a week ago (we’re talking about E3 2018, obviously), new releases have been moderate. There’s no trace of new games in the top best 40 physical games this week, as per deals monitor GfK Chart-Track, as PS4’s God of War comes back to the diagram’s summit.

The following Sony’s blockbuster, World Cup fever hits the nation with FIFA 18 taking the No.2 spot for the second week in succession. Fallout 4 completes at No.3 as a recipient of Sony’s Days of Play deal and consideration on the series because of the ongoing uncover of Fallout 76. Detroit: Become Human (placed as no.4) and PlayStation VR Worlds (placed as no.5) make it an aggregate of three Sony-distributed games in the best five for the week ending on the 16th of June.

A week ago’s No.1, Vampyr, goes to No.8 this week, while Assassin’s Creed Origins (placed on no.9) and Call of Duty: WWII (placed on no.10) likewise advantage from the Days of Play promotion.

From various perspectives, God of War is the thing that the series has dependably been, as composed by commentator Peter Brown. It’s an excellent action game with epic set pieces, colossal budget production values, and the hard-hitting battle that develops more hot and amazing as you advance in the fame. What may astound you is the way that its narrating has progressed toward the beginning.

Like Kratos, God of War reviews the past while recognizing the need to move forward. Everything new that it does is to improve things, and all that it clutches benefits thus. Kratos is not anymore an anticipated savage. Lord of War is never again going to be an old action series. With this reboot, it unquestionably strolls another way that will ideally prompt all the more energizing undertakings to come.

You can read the full best ten deals below:

Number 1 – God of War
Number 2 – FIFA 18
Number 3 – Fallout 4
Number 4 – Detroit: Become Human
Number 5 – PlayStation VR Worlds
Number 6 – Grand Theft Auto V
Number 7 – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Number 8 – Vampyr
Number 9 – Assassin’s Creed Origins
Number 10 – Call of Duty: WWII

Games News

Steam Summer Sale 2018 Is Around The Corner

Every year comes with new opportunities for gamers. During Steam Summer Sale they have the chance to enlarge their collection with awesome releases and they don’t even have to spend all the money they saved. The event is hosted on the Steam platform and participants can expect to acquire popular games right from the catalogue with considerable discounts. The organizers haven’t made any official announcement yet, but the prices can be reduced with 75% or more.

When will the event start?

Passionate gamers are waiting anxiously for this event and many have saved money especially for this Sale. So far, a big mystery was wrapped around the Steam Summer Sale’s starting date. Now, according to some leaks, those who want to renew their games collection in 2018 have to mark the 21st of June in their calendars.

The date is very close, so get ready and prepare to open your wallets for about two weeks. We can approximate the duration based on previous year experience, so in your case, most probably, the event will last until the 5th of July.

Most of the people who share the same passion for video games consider this a great opportunity, but there are also people who criticize Valve, the owners of Steam platform and the Sale organizers. According to some voices, during the Sale, intellectual property loses its value because of so many discounts and ”digital hoarding” is encouraged.

Driven by the excitement, people buy a lot of games that they never actually play and this is a waste of money. Also, somebody’s work isn’t appreciated and this isn’t the developers’ purpose.

In any case, the Steam Summer Sale is one of the greatest opportunities to make great bargains for new games and people who want to try the latest releases shouldn’t miss it. Just keep the 21st of June 2018 in mind and be prepared to start shopping!

Games News

Blades Is the Game That Will Bring Elder Scrolls on Mobile

If you are a fan of the Elder Scrolls franchise and you enjoy mobile gaming you will be glad to hear about The Elder Scrolls Blades, a new mobile game from Bethesda Game Studios. During the E3 some fans had a chance to test out the latest Elder Scrolls addition.

Dungeon crawling with great visuals

The Elder Scrolls Blades is a bit different from the other Elder Scrolls games because it was adapted for its device. The game comes with two different modes: one that allows you to explore a forest and the other one which had a castle keep.

The graphics are quite impressing and they are great when paired up with an appropriate smartphone. Those who tested the game also appreciated the lighting and the resolution. Nonetheless, the game seemed to lack the storytelling characteristic for Bethesda.


When it comes to moving around you can choose to tap the ground in order to walk to that location or you can also use a virtual joystick that can be controlled by holding your phone on the left side of the screen. You can also draw your finger from side to side or up and down on the right side of the screen if you want to look around.

Additionally, when you want to open a door you need to tap it. If you tap certain jars you might find loot inside them. When an enemy appears, the gameplay is a bit different. This time holding down your finger on the screen will allow you to take a swipe at the enemy using your weapon. If the player holds down a finger on a shield icon, attacks will be blocked. There are also two spells: “blizzard armor” and an electricity spell.

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