Games News

Clash of Clans: Dragon, Valkyrie and Golem – The Best Troops for Defeating Enemies

Clash of Clans players who want to take their game to the next level need to get a better understanding of what type of troops to use and when to use them. Despite being a mobile game, the combat system in Clash of Clans is quite complex and players need to learn strategies if they wish to defeat their foes. With that being said, today we are going to cover the best Clash of Clans troops and present readers with the ideal situations of when to use them.


What better way to start than with the dragons? Dragons are mighty troops and they can fly over enemy walls, thus making them ideal troops when attacking. However, dragons are not limited to flying attacks since they can also destroy enemies while sitting on the ground. In addition, the dragon’s attack is ranged and it deals splash damage to units, thus making it a top priority troop.


We advise Clash of Clans to do their best and update their dark barracks to level three because this is going to allow them to recruit Valkyries. These troops require dark elixirs in order to be recruited, but it’s all worth it! Valkyries are fierce and they destroy enemy troops when dropped in the middle of the action.


The Golem is one of the most iconic Clash of Clans troop because of the way it looks and how effective it can be on the field of battle. We should also mention that Clash of Clans players who want to recruit Golems need to upgrade their dark barracks to level four. Nonetheless, Golems are some of the best troops in the game and not just because of the high damage output that they offer, but also because they can resist attacks.

Related Strategies:

Games News

Sonic the Hedgehog 3.3.0 Update Download Available for Android

If you ever feel nostalgic and want to remember what it felt like to play games when you were a kid, then you should download Sonic the Hedgehog on your smartphone. The game is available for Android smartphones and it comes with all the classic features that you know and love such as the running around at superfast speeds while completing complex mazes at the same time.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3.3.0 Update

The reason Sonic the Hedgehog for Android is making headlines today is because a new update has just arrived. The Sonic the Hedgehog update features the 3.3.0 version number and it is available for download right now. Moreover, the new update weighs in at 55MB and it requires a minimum of Android 4.2 operating system or higher in order to work.

OTA Release

Fortunately for Sonic the Hedgehog fans, the update is being rolled out OTA (over the air). However, the update is going to take a long time before it arrives to everyone and eager Android users can get their hands on it before anyone else by manually downloading and installing the APK version of the update.

We should also mention that Android users who are looking install APK updates on their smartphones need to head over to the “Settings” panel and enable the “Install apps from unknown sources” feature first. Nonetheless, let’s see what the new update brings.

Eggman’s Plan Fails

As every Sonic the Hedgehog fan already knows, Eggman is one of the villains that players need to defeat. Players have been fighting against Eggman for a couple of weeks and they are finally successful. The new update commemorates that success by removing all the bugs that Eggman was planning to fill the game with.


Love Balls Best Tips and Tricks to Become An Experienced Player

At a first glance, Love Balls seems to be a very easy game. Don’t let yourself be tricked! Some levels will require a lot of imagination and of course sometimes you will feel like hitting the hint button. In this article we will give you a few tips so that no hints will be needed.

  1. It’s important to play the levels in order

As the new obstacles in the game are being introduced gradually, it is highly important to play all the levels in order. This way you’ll be able to learn new mechanics as they appear throughout the game, especially since the higher the level is, the harder it gets.

  1. Use the replay option as a learning tool

While playing the game, try to resist the temptation of simply progressing, without learning anything from the level. Whenever some new structure appears, you can take it as an opportunity to get familiar with it. This will make it much easier for you the next time you encounter something similar.

  1. Things you need to memorize

There are certain structures and lines that you need to learn by heart: triangles, boxes, hearts, hooked slopes and the short curve. These are frequently appearing through the game and learning how to deal with them will give you a great advantage.

  1. Learn the physics of the game

Playing Love Balls in a successful way requires at least a basic level of knowledge of the game’s physics. Every structure or line has its own trajectory and behaves in a specific way. Once you master the way the obstacles work, no level will ever scare you again.

  1. The ink is not unlimited

Keep in mind that every level has its limit when it comes to ink. A wise use of the ink is even more important in case you want to get all three stars.

Games News

The Last of Us Part II Demo Gameplay – Release Date Soon

As it was confirmed by Neil Druckmann, the creative director of The Last of Us Part II, what we were able to see in the demo presented by Sony during its E3 2018 conference was real. This was the answer given by the game’s creators to the numerous fans’ comments calling it fake.

E3 2012 and E3 2018

This is not the first time the company is accused of showing a fake or scripted demo. When in 2013 the first part of The Last of Us was released, the company was criticized for the game’s demo shown at E3 2012. It was quite obvious that there were many differences between the demo and the final version of the game released one year later. One of the examples is the way the enemy and friendly A.I. behaves, which in E3 2012 wasn’t the same as in the version available for fans.

This time, however, it’s supposed to be different. According to Druckmann, all systems presented in the demo are real. As he explained, while preparing the demo some systems are being chosen randomly, then further developed in order to make them very specific. Most importantly, he stated that this time the gameplay shown in the demo will be available for gamers once the final version of The Last of Us Part II is released.

Some of the improvements

It looks like the A.I. of the enemies will be improved, compared to the previous game. In The Last of Us it was enough for just one of the enemies to spot you and in that moment everyone knew where you were. Now, once someone sees or hears you, the information has to be passed further. Moreover, the enemies will become more mobile.

Another change implemented by Naughty Dog is an addition of the circle, which is showing the visibility of the game’s protagonist. The way it works is: the more hidden you are, the smaller the circle is. This feature is located right next to the health bar. It’s important to know that you are never completely invisible while hiding in the bushes or tall grass.

All that is left for us now is to wait for the premiere of The Last of Us Part II to see with our own eyes if the gameplay shown in the demo is real.

Games News

Pokemon Go 0.105.1 Update Download Available – New Ability and Bug Fixes

Pokemon GO is one of the best mobile games ever made and there’s no doubt about that. What makes Pokemon GO truly special is the fact that it gives people the chance to live their childhood dream of running around the city and catching Pokemon while fighting against other trainers at the same time. In addition, Pokemon GO uses AR (augmented reality) technology which makes it possible for the developers to place Pokemon in real-life locations such as the nearby park.

Pokemon Go 0.105.1 Update

This game is played by millions of people every day and this means that the developers can’t take any risks with it. Niantic, the game developer in charge of Pokemon GO, is making sure that the game is always running without any issues by launching a constant stream of updates that include software tweaks and bug fixes.

Talking about Pokemon GO updates, fans of the game should be happy to know that a brand-new one has just been made available for download. The update sports the Pokemon GO “0.105.1” version number and it is available in the form of APK. With that said, let’s see what the new update contains.

Bug Fixes

Even though Pokemon GO is a premium game, some issues still manage to appear every now and then. Luckily, the developers are quick and they take care of them before they manage to do any harm. Therefore, the new update contains a bug for the in-game messaging error codes that didn’t allow players to communicate.

New Ability

Another important thing that the new update brings is the ability to view and activate in-game items such as TMs, Rare Candy and more right from the info screen of a Pokemon. This is not a groundbreaking feature, but it will surely prove to be quite useful.

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