Games News

Clash Royale June 2018 Major Update Download Available – New Cards, Troops, Emotes and Clan Wars Fixes

Supercell announced that Clash Royale is scheduled to receive a major update on June 5th, 2018. The game developer has made it a tradition to release massive updates during summer time and to make things even better, the new Clash Royale update will focus on adding more features, gameplay changes and to balance classes. With that being said, let’s check out what are the most important changes that the new update will bring.

Four New Cards

Even though Supercell doesn’t want to unveil any important details about the upcoming update, the Clash Royale community has strong reason to believe that four new cards are going to be introduced in June. In addition, dataminers managed to find some hints which point towards these new cards.

Clan War

Talking about balancing the game, Supercell is expected to add some important software tweaks to the Clan Wars game inside Clash Royale. The last time Clan Wars received an update was back in April and rumor has it that the game developer is looking to fix tie games and to give players more incentive to mix in different troops in order to create a diverse war deck.

Funny Emotes

If we take a look at what the Clash Royale community has to say about emotes, we will see that they are both hated and loved. Some people love them because they make it easier to express themselves while others hate emojis because trolls spam them in the chat and this can get annoying. Nonetheless, Supercell wants to expand the range of emojis Clash Royale offers and fans should be ready to see more funny emojis in the summer.

New Troops

Last but not least, a previously leaked picture showed that Supercell plans to introduce a new Elite Archer troop. The special thing about this troop is that it uses a crossbow, and this might make it more powerful than the normal Archer class that we all know and love.

Games News

Clash of Clans Update Town Hall 12 – The Game’s First Weaponized Town Hall

Clash of Clans was originally launched in 2012 and the game has managed to keep its popularity along the years. The thing that keeps players coming back for more even after so many years is the fact that Supercell, the game’s developer, keeps releasing updates that include new content, features and software tweaks.

Clash of Clans Town Hall 12

The Clash of Clans community has been speculating that the next update Supercell is going to launch will introduce the highly anticipated Town Hall 12 and to everyone’s surprise, it seems like the community was right! Supercell recently published a short video teaser on YouTube where it announced that players should be ready to receive Town Hall 12.

Weaponized Town Hall

While the details about the new town hall are scarce, we do know that it’s going to be the first weaponized Town Hall in the game. In fact, the video teaser starts with the announcer saying that the town hall has always been a place of peace, but not anymore.

Electricity Defense System

Supercell has been doing a great job of keeping details about the new Town Hall a secret so that it can use the element of surprise when the official update is rolled out to everyone. However, this isn’t stopping the community from speculating about how the new town hall will be able to attack enemies.

The main theory is that Town Hall 12 will feature a special electricity defense system which will throw out splash damage. This is great news for Clash of Clans fans because it means that their new Town Hall will be able to destroy standard units such as Barbarians and Archers.

Changed Aesthetics

Lastly, the coolest thing about the new Town Hall is the fact that it changes aesthetics as players progress through the game. We know from a leak that there will be five levels of the Town Hall and that all of them will look amazing.

Games News

Clash of Clans Tips – Essential Defense Building Strategies

Many people thought that Clash of Clans was going to be a “one hit wonder” mobile game, but Clash of Clans proved everyone wrong by staying on top of the industry since 2012 when it was originally launched. The reason why Clash of Clans managed to stay relative after so many years is because the game received constant updates and because the gameplay is complex.

A great example of how complex Clash of Clans can be is the way players strategize about which is the best way to build bases, or which is the best way to attack. Talking about Clash of Clans strategies, today we are going to show readers the best way that they can set up their bases in order to make their fortress impossible to break.

The Pocketed Base

Most people love to spread out their bases and make them look like a real town, but this is not how you win in Clash of Clans. A great alternative to that type of standard base is the Pocketed Base strategy. Players are advised to place their town hall in the center of the base and then surround it with splash defenses and a 4×4 wall. This strategy will make giant useless because they will take a lot of time avoiding the walls.

The Bulkhead Base

Moving on to more advanced strategies, veteran Clash of Clans should consider using the Bulkhead Base strategy. The main rule of this strategy is to kick un-needed buildings outside the walls and then add extra walls between those buildings. This strategy will also render giants useless.

Now that the base has been segmented by wall defenses, Clash of Clans players need to place bulkheads in large boats because it will prevent the base from sinking if a leak below the waterline starts flooding.

Related strategies:

Games News

Clash of Clans – The Attack Strategy That Everyone Needs to Learn

One of the things that makes Clash of Clans so fun to play is the fact that players need to come up with brilliant strategies in order to defeat their foes. Getting into fights randomly and getting into fights with a plan in mind is what makes the difference between a great player and an average one. With that said, today we are going to show Clash of Clans fans the best attack strategy that they can use to conquer their enemies!

Barb/Arch (Barbarian and Archers)

There are many attack strategies that Clash of Clans fans can use, but nearly all of them pale in comparison with Barb/Arch. As the strategy’s name implies, players will need to rely on their Barbarians and Archers but that’s not all. Players also need to get a few wall breakers to help them out with the enemy’s castle.

Low Cost Army

The biggest strength of the Barb/Arch strategy is that it produces a low-cost army. This is why most Clash of Clans fans are advised to learn it before getting into combat with their foes. On the downside of things, the strategy is weak on attack which means that strong bases that have lots of splash damage will wipe it out.

Taking Out Splash Defenses

Barb/Arch is ideal for scenarios where Clash of Clans players wants to keep attacking their enemies in a “zerg rush” mode, but the first thing that players need to do if they want to ensure victory is to take out their enemy’s splash defenses. Luckily, this can be easily done by using Lighting Spells to take Mortars.

Taking Out Collectors

Another great use for the Barb/Arch strategy is to attack collectors for loot. All collectors which are on the outside can be beaten with a couple of barbarians and archers. Usually, five or ten archers are going to do the job without any issues.

Find out one of our other strategy articles: Clash of Clans Latest Strategies to Destroy the Enemies

Games News

Halo 6 Release Date Update – 4k Graphics and Next-Gen Gameplay Features

Halo is one of the most popular game franchises in the world and it should come as no surprise that everyone is waiting for the sixth installment to be announced. However, Halo fans started doubting that a new game might arrive ever since Microsoft revealed Halo: Fireteam Raven. Fortunately, Brian Jarrard who is the community manager for Halo decided to reassure everyone that Halo 6 is not affected by the newly revealed title.

Halo: Fireteam Raven

The first thing we need to mention is that Halo: Fireteam Raven is an arcade game. Therefore, Microsoft is just looking to capitalize on the popularity that Halo benefits from and generate a profit from the arcade community. Nonetheless, Halo fans are still worried that Microsoft has decided to drop Halo 6 in favor of the Halo: Fireteam Raven.

Halo Community Manager Speaks Out

Halo fans started posting on the community forum about how Microsoft doesn’t want to release a new title and seeing this, Brian Jarrard decided to let everyone know that they don’t have anything to worry about.

“Fireteam Raven has zero impact on the 343 development team which has already been working on the next console game. Fireteam Raven is built by an external arcade developer. Just like the Halo books or toys aren’t being created instead of the next Halo game. Plenty to go around” said Brian Jarrard over Twitter.

Halo 6 4k Graphics and Next-Gen Gameplay Features

Considering that the most recent Halo title is Halo 5: Guardians and that it was released back in October 2015, we think it’s safe to assume that Microsoft might be adding the finishing touches Halo 6 at the moment.

In addition, Xbox One X is already available for purchase and this gaming system gives the developers the ability to introduce next-gen gameplay features and 4K graphics without having to worry about frame drops.

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