Games News

The Witcher 3 Could Be Launched on the Nintendo Switch

We can’t live with rumors, but we can’t live without them. Because a new rumor has gone out on the Internet this week that says we could see The Witcher 3 being launched on Nintendo Switch. Unfortunately, Nintendo Switch console isn’t offering too much in terms of power, even if it is designed to be versatile. Because the Switch isn’t considered as the equal of the PS4 or Xbox One regarding the process of power, you can’t expect to see high-spec titles.

New Report of the Witcher 3 on Switch Console

The news is saying that a version of the Witcher 3 will come to the Switch console. The rumor was shared on Reset Era, and it comes from China. Also, a new list of games that will be launched in 2019 is included. The message from the report says that Witcher 3 GOTY edition will come to Switch in September, and it will be fully playable.

However, fans are skeptical about the rumor, because they know how demanding the game is. On the other hand, we heard nothing from the CD Projekt Red about the subject, so this can mess with the validity of it. The possibility of transferring the Witcher 3 to the Switch exists, but we think that some compromises would be needed for a perfect function, especially for the Year Edition that is expected to include all the DLC packages.

Moreover, other titles that can be played on the Nintendo Switch, such as Resident Evil 7 and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Both games have a cloud streaming version in Japan, but the service isn’t available in the UK or Europe. But this could give us an explanation on how the Witcher 3 could be launched on Switch.

Finally, a lot of fans are saying that the Witcher 3 could be planned for the new upgrade of the Nintendo Switch, but they are excluding the idea of a new Pro Nintendo Switch to be released during the E3 2019.

Games News

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 Might Come Out During E3 2019

Anthem wasn’t the hit envisioned by the company, but EA has some strong franchises that could receive a sequel in 2019. Among we can count Need for Speed and Plant vs. Zombies. Many gamers are looking forward to the release of new Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 game, and some believe that the third entry in the series will be announced during E3 2019.

The first game on the franchise, Plants vs. Zombies, was released for Windows and Mac computers in May 2009. The easy–to-pick-up but hard-to-master gameplay made it an instant hit among those who loved tower defense titles.

The game was so successful that PopCap Games, the studio who developed the game, decided to release it across a large selection of platforms, including iOS and Android. The console versions of the game came with a variety of new features, among which we can count additional modes and co-op and versus multiplayer modes. Game of the Year versions of the title was released for PC and Mac at one point.

Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 Might Come Out During E3 2019

A sequel called Plants vs. Zombies 2 was released for smartphone devices in 2013. In 2014, a spinoff title named Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare was released. The game mixes elements from the third-person shooter and multiplayer genres, allowing players to take control of the Plants or Zombies in an attempt to conquer the world.

Garden Warfare enjoyed positive reviews from critics and players alike, and a sequel was released two years later. Garden Warfare 2 improved many of the aspects which were criticized in the case of the first game and managed to garner even more attention.

Those who are looking forward to the announcement of a new Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 title also have a list of suggestions which would make the game great. Among them, we can count the inclusion of a new class, the ability to transfer characters, extra multiplayer slots, and much more. It remains to be seen if Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 3 will be announced at E3 2019, an event which should take place in less than two weeks.

Games News Tech

Plants vs Zombies: Character Data Reverts to Level 1

Is your character data reverting to level 1 on Plants vs Zombies game? Don’t panic ! This short tutorial will show you how to resolve the issue, if and when character data reverts to level 1 in Plants vs. Zombies.

A number of Plants vs. Zombies gamers have complained of an issue relating to character data display. For instance, the character data reverts and display “Level 1”, even after getting past the first stage.

If you are a victim of this error, you can follow through this tutorial to resolve the issue.

Fix: Character Data Reverts to Level 1 in Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (1) is a top-end multiplatform video game from American gaming developer – PopCap Games – in collaboration with software development giant – Electronic Arts (EA). The game’s main characters are Crazy Dave (David Blazing) – the protagonist – and Doctor Zomboss (Doctor Edgar George Zomboss) – the chief antagonist.

Character data on Plants vs. Zombies is displayed, by default, as “Level-1”, irrespective of the level you are. However, most gamers (especially the new players) are ignorant of this; hence, when such players get past the first level and the character data is still showing “Level 1”, it often creates some form of panic (where there is none).

If you find yourself in this situation, you need not panic; the issue is neither a bug nor an error, but rather a cloud syncing issue, which can easily be resolved within seconds. To resolve it, and set the character data as appropriate, try either or both of the solutions below:

Solution 1: Connect to Electronic Arts’ Origin Service

By default, character data on Plants vs. Zombies is saved and synced to the cloud. And to gain access to this data, you need to be signed into EA’s Origin service.

Therefore, if your character data keeps showing up as “Level 1”, simply connect to EA’s (Electronic Arts) cloud storage (where the data is saved) by signing into the franchise’s Origin service.

Solution 2: Relaunch Plants vs. Zombies

The first solution may require you to restart the game (after connecting to the EA service), before the issue is resolved. Hence, if, after signing into the EA service, the character data still reverts to Level 1, simply close the game and relaunch it. That should do it!

Share your experience with others in resolving this issue. You can drop a comment in the comment section below.

Games News Tech

Plants vs Zombies: Stuck in Empty Tutorial Level

Plants vs Zombies is no doubt one of the most interesting games out there. And despite the fact that it’s been around for quite some time, it is still generating so much excitement in the gaming world.

However, till today, there is a preliminary level on the game that most new players are often confused about. This stage is known as the “Empty Tutorial” level, which most beginners are practically clueless how to get past.

To get past this stage, follow through this tutorial.

How to Break Out of the Empty Tutorial Level in Plants vs. Zombies

At times, as a beginner (or even a Pro) on Plants vs. Zombies, you may find yourself stuck in a stage (level) where you are unable to connect with other players. At this stage, you are still able to play the game; selecting base characters and shooting straying zombies. If you find yourself at this level, do not fret; you are actually at the game’s “Empty Tutorial” level, which is just like a trial stage or demo level.

Normally, this stage, as a tutorial level, is meant to show you what to expect on the actual game; it is not an actual level of the game itself. The “Empty Tutorial” level is mainly activated due to incomplete installation or while an update is still in progress. In either case, you get stuck at the level, with practically no idea how to break out.

To get past this level, try either or both of the solution below:

  • Allow Update or Installation to Finish

To break out of this stage and proceed to play the actual game, all you have to do is WAIT for the update to complete (if one is in progress). Also, if the game is still installing, check if the installation is complete; if not, WAIT for it to complete. Consequently, you’d be proceeded to the main menu.

  • Reinstall the Game

If you’re still stuck at the Empty Tutorial level, you can uninstall the game completely: go to Settings > Apps > Plants vs. Zombies > Uninstall (on Android) and uninstall the program. After successfully uninstallation, go to Google Play Store (for Android) or App Store (for iOS) and reinstall the game. This time, ensure the game is fully installed (at 100%) before launching it. And you are all set!

Hope you were able to resolve the issue? Let us know by dropping a comment below.

Games News Tech

Plants vs Zombies: Game Won’t Start [Fix]

Plants vs. Zombies won’t start or freezes on startup? This guide will show you a workaround.

Many times, Plants vs. Zombies gamers have complained that the game hangs or freezes at startup, and in worse cases, the startup window simply fails to show up.

To get your game back up (and running), this tutorial will show you a number of solutions to resolve the issue.

Fix: Plants vs. Zombies Won’t Start

If this game fails to start on your computer/smartphone or it hangs up/freezes while you are playing it, a number of factors could be in play. Normally, when this happens, the cause could be a connection issue, unfinished update, unsuccessful game resume or a combination of some/all these.

In any case, the solutions herein, if properly applied, should resolve the issue, irrespective of the playing platform; be it on your computer or smartphone.

  1. Hard Reboot PC

Plants vs. Zombies was originally developed for Windows and macOS, before extending support to other desktop and mobile operating platforms. To fix the issue, if/when the game fails to start up on your computer, you can “hard reboot” your PC to reset/refresh the system and apps (including the Plants vs. Zombies game).

To hard reboot PC:

  • Do not force-close the game; leave the hanged up screen as it is.
  • Click on your PC’s power button and hold it down for 10 – 15 seconds, until the system powers down.
  • Restart PC.
  • Try launching the game again and check if the error is fixed.

Hard rebooting your PC would refresh the computer and all running apps and processes. This should resolve the issue.

In the same vein, you can try this method on your smartphone; by pressing down the power button until the phone is powered down, and then powering it up again.

  1. Disconnect & Reconnect Xbox One

If this error occurs on Xbox One, simply power down the console and disconnect it. After a few seconds, plug it back in and power it back on. This should get the game up and running again, without any issue.

  1. Reinstall the Game

Ultimately, if the error persists after trying the aforementioned fixes, you can reinstall the game on your computer or smartphone. Simply uninstall it from your device and reinstall it from designated sites like Play Store (for Android users).

Hope you were able to fix the Plants vs Zombies won’t start error? Share your experience with us by commenting below.

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