Games News Tech

Plants vs Zombies: Tips & Tricks for Beginners

This article brings you some tips and tricks for beginners, to help you get started on Plants vs Zombies.

Plants vs Zombies has been around for quite some time now; having been a popular smartphone game for almost a decade. Over this period, it’s been the ultimate choice of many mobile gamers across the globe.

Therefore, if you’re a beginner looking for ways around this game, follow through this article.

Tips & Tricks for Beginners on Plants vs Zombies

Tips for Plants vs Zombies 1

For beginners on the original version of Plants vs Zombies, the tips are as follow:

  • Be attentive and proactive: try and identify which zombies would attack you and select the appropriate plants to combat them.
  • Make use of your “Almanac”; the “Almanac” shows the weaknesses of each zombie you’ve encountered/destroyed.
  • Plan and protect your Sunflowers: you can plant rows of Sunflowers at the back of your lawn.
  • While playing a level in the pool, use the “cat of nine tails” attack to kill off zombies.
  • Use the umbrella leaf to protect your plants against “bungee zombies”.
  • Reset time/date one day ahead to grow plants immediately.
  • Make quick money by playing the Last Stand
  • Ensure one spot is always left unoccupied in your “Zen Garden”.
  • Ensure you have up to 10 chocolates at all times: you can play the Whack-a-zombie challenge to replenish (when depleted).
  • Farm the Yeti zombie as many times as you can to earn more diamonds; restart each level until you see the Yeti zombie in the level’s preview.
  • In a water level, find water plants.

Tips for Plants vs Zombies 2

Plants vs Zombies 2 came with few changes to the original version.

Below are some tips to aid beginners on the game:

  • Take note of each zombie’s path and attack pattern; you would notice this pattern after few trials.
  • Plant Spike weeds or Potato mine in front of wall nuts; wall nuts block zombies advancement, and the spike weeds or potato mine destroys the blocked zombies.
  • Place wall nuts in front of your sunflowers to protect them.
  • Replay levels as many times as you can to unlock new worlds.
  • Stuck in “Pirate World Last Stand 3”? Use “Bonk Choy” and Spike weeds to survive.

In conclusion, all the aforementioned tips should help you acclimatize easily with the Plants vs Zombies game. Hope you were able to pick a tip or two? Drop us a comment below.

Games News Tech

How to Fix Connection Problems in Brawl Stars

This tutorial is a how-to guide to fix connection problems in Brawl Stars.

Brawl Stars has redefined mobile gaming, and so far, gamers have been thrilled with the story-play, as well as the sublime graphical interface of the game. However, one area that has generated so many negative reviews is the recurrent connection errors.

Hence, in an attempt to find a lasting solution to this issue, we’ll be bringing you a couple of fixes to resolve the issue.

Fix: Connection Problems in Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars requires strong internet connection to function properly, and where/when such is unavailable (or where the internet connection is unstable), you are bound to encounter connection error.

To fix this, there are two basic solutions, both of which have been described below.

Fix 1: Troubleshoot Internet Connection

If your location and the surrounding areas generally have weak internet signal, maybe due to the topography or distance from the mast, you are likely to encounter this connection error quite often. In this case, there is little you can do, except to change to an ISP with strong internet signal.

However, in the event that there is strong internet signal on your smartphone, and you still encounter these connection problems, the problem could be from your phone’s internet network. In this case, you can try and troubleshoot the internet connection, as described below:

  • Exit Brawl Stars and disable internet connection.
  • Restart your phone or set it to Airplane mode (for some minutes).
  • After your phone has rebooted or after you’ve disabled Airplane mode, reconnect to the internet.
  • Launch Brawl Stars again.
  • Check if the connection problem is fixed.

If the error persists, you can try the next fix.

Fix 2: Play via an Android Emulator on PC

As a Brawl Stars enthusiast, the recurring connection error could be a little frustrating. Hence, you can install an Android emulator on your PC, and ensure the PC is connected to a strong Wi-Fi network. This offers better internet connectivity and you should now be able to enjoy the game unhindered.

If the connection problem still occurs, and you are able to access other apps and browse just fine, don’t fret; the problem is probably from Brawl Stars’ server, which, as gathered, is still unstable.

Hope you find this helpful? Let us know by dropping a comment below.

Games News Tech

Brawl Stars: Tips & Tricks for Beginners

Brawl Stars, from Supercell, is filled with thrilling and exciting scenes, and as a gamer, nothing beats that. However, with up to seven game modes to unlock, beginners often find the game a bit tricky. Hence, to get you started and further aid your progress down the line, we have come up with a set of tips and tricks.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners on Brawl Stars

Brawl Stars has a total of seven game modes; however, as a beginner, the first three modes – Gen Grab, Showdown and Heist – should be your priority, as you’d be required to get past these modes to unlock the advanced ones.

Basically, these tips center around which brawlers to choose (out of 24 brawlers), which mode to play, and how to earn and use gems/trophies/elixir among others.

These beginner’s tips and tricks are as follow:

  • Rotate brawlers in the Gem Grab mode to earn more points and trophies.
  • Aim once and shoot instantly.
  • Use bush covers and other obstacles to hide from enemies.
  • Do not stay under one cover for long; you’d get exposed if you do.
  • DO NOT play the Showdown mode until you’ve earned yourself enough points, trophies and brawlers.
  • Ensure you visit the gift shop regularly to check for points, offers and boxes.
  • Switch characters inbetween modes.
  • Obtain a Supercell ID and connect it to the game to get special offers – brawler Barley and Barley skin.
  • Save star tokens and elixir for the later stages, where you really need them.
  • Retreat when necessary.
  • Upgrade characters by purchasing brawler boxes.
  • Ensure the brawler with most crystals/gems is protected by all means possible.
  • Shoot into bushes randomly; enemy brawlers often hide therein.
  • Avoid enemy brawlers with tanks; do not engage them alone.
  • Ensure you take out “Poco” (enemy healer) as soon as you can.
  • Engage enemy targets as a team; do not break off brawlers during engagements.
  • Blow up barrels and TNTs to maximize damage.
  • Use Brocks to attack long range targets.
  • Attack weak enemy brawlers with few potions.
  • And lots more.

The above tips, though somewhat basic, would aid your progress (as a beginner) towards unlocking the advanced modes. Also, you’d be able to earn as many points/trophies as possible.

Games News Tech

Brawl Stars: Top 3 Brawlers for New Players

One of the trickiest choices new players have to make is “which brawlers to select” for the first three stages. Basically, out of the available 24 brawlers, you need a flock of suitable brawlers for Gem Grab (level 1), Showdown (level 2) and Heist (level 3).

Therefore, in this guide, we’ll be showing you the top 3 brawlers for new players on Brawl Stars.

Top 3 Brawlers for Beginners in Brawl Stars

If you are a new player on Brawl Stars, you might want to select the below-listed brawlers to further improve your chances of earning more points and unlocking/progressing to the advanced levels.

  1. El Primo

El Primo is, without doubt, one of the most important brawlers in Brawl Stars, and you’d be needing his skills/qualities and attributes from the very first stage – Gem Grab. This brawler is characterized by significant amount of health, which makes him ideal for the Gem Grab mode and other modes.

El Primo, however, is not suitable for the Heist stage (level 3), as the the “Ranged units” at the level would easily defeat him. This would significantly impede your progress.

In a nutshell, El Primo is quite easy to acquire, master and put to use. And if properly deployed, it can cause irreparable damage to enemy brawlers, especially at the Gem Grab level. Consequently, your progress is sped up.

  1. Barley

Barley is best suited for the Heist and Gem Grab levels. His crowd-controlling ability is what makes him stand out, and his ability to deal “AoE” (area of effect) damage, which destroys enemy brawlers in flocks, makes him a champion.

Barley is a “terror”, which enemy brawlers hate to face, and having him on your side would be to your advantage, especially at the Gem Grab level, as well as the Heist level.

  1. Shelley

Looking to speed up your progress in Brawl Stars? You definitely need Shelley! Though, she’s a little short in terms of ranging, she can cause a lot of damage, if she’s able to get close to the enemy. Furthermore, she’s fast and has moderate health; hence, she’s a good team member, who is needed in virtually all modes/levels.

Note: The brawlers above are mainly needed in the early stages. As you unlock more levels, more and better brawlers are unlocked for you.

Hope you are able to identify your choice of brawler to dominate the Brawl Stars game? Let us know by dropping a comment below.

Games News

How To Fix Clash Royale Crashing On Android Smartphones

There are many players out there who asked about a way to fix the Clash Royale game when it crashes on Android devices. We are here to give you a way out. Before you start anything, you need to make sure that you are playing the official version of the game Clash Royale, the very one available on the Google Play Store.

Keep in mind that, if, however, you have problems downloading it, you can always get the Clash Royale APK. Just make sure you get it from a secured source. Also, make sure that your device has at least 0.5 GB worth of RAM and that it runs on Android 4.0.3 or newer – it’s crucial for the game to work smoothly.

How to fix Clash Royale crashing on Android devices

Restart your smartphone

You can start by restarting your device. In order to do that, you need to hold the Power button, then choose to Restart. If you don’t have a Restart button, then turn it off, then on.

Delete and then reinstall Clash Royale game

Sometimes, uninstalling and reinstalling an app might sort out a series of issues. The same applies to Clash Royale.

Check internal storage

Also, make sure that your device is not full. In order to see that, go to Settings, to Storage and see if there are at least 100MB free for the game.

Log out of Google and Facebook

You could also try to log out of Google ID and Facebook, and then try running Clash Royale once again and reconnect to your accounts. Also, the date and the time are important, make sure they are correct.

Switch to another internet connection

Change the internet connection, perhaps one with better reception. You could also visit the 9339 port checker. If you are not able to view it, that means you cannot play the game with the current connection that you have, and you need to change it.

If you try all of the above, and nothing works to fix Clash Royale crashing on Android, then the only solution is to contact Supercell for additional support.

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