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Clash of Clans: Best Tips For Beginners in 2019

Clash of Clans is a top-rated and popular game on both Android and iOS. It is a mobile strategy game with addictive, fast-paced gameplay and unique leveling system that makes players return even when they achieved high rank. However, for rookies, Clash of Clans might seem more than challenging. That’s why we come up with the best Clash of Clans tips for beginners.

Clash of Clans is a mobile strategy game, but it’s nothing like those favorite strategy games like Command & Conquer, Starcraft, and the others which marked the childhood of many gamers, including myself. In Clash of Clans, beginners can achieve a few victories, but that ends when players start to realize that they need better bases, well-trained troops, and better strategies to attack their foes or defend their home ground. Here’s a short list with the best Clash of Clans tips for beginners.

Clash of Clans: Best Tips For Beginners

Build a Better Clash of Clans Base

The first you need to do in Clash of Clans is to build your base. However, if during the early battles everything goes alright, soon you’ll find out that you need a better Clash of Clans base with lots of defense building, strategically placed to protect yourself against attackers.

Time The Use Of Shields and Rebuild Features

When you are at your first adventure in the universe of Clash of Clans, you’ll get a three-day shield. During this period no other gamer can attack you. Also, you gain 12-hour-lasting Shield when 40% of your base got destroyed in an attack, or a 16-hour-lasting Shield when your village is 90% damaged. Take advantage of this protection and rebuild your base with better buildings and strategies to defend yourself against future attacks.

Focus On Getting Free Clash of Clans Gems

When you complete a variety of Clash of Clans Achievements or surpass obstacles, you’ll earn free Clash of Clans gems which are useful to upgrade, buy several items, including the before-mentioned Shield feature, and so on.

Games News

Clash of Clans: Farming and War – Strongest Attack Strategies for TH9

Many users have asked themselves what the best attack strategy for th9, when it comes to war and farming is. It really depends on the base layout.

For farming

Gob knife is an excellent idea. It gives you fast cook time and you won’t need heroes of DE investment if you want to get a chunk of DE with every raid. It’s good not to attack a base, unless it is over 3000 DE.

Also, loonian might be a good idea. So get your loons up to 6 as soon as possible. Try to farm DE for the queen, and once she’s at least level 15, you can try doing queen walk with loonian. It will help you a lot to get to the core of the base, where most of the players put their DE storages. If you want pure loonian, the best goto setup is 34 loons and 25 minions  – and all the rage spells. If you have some DE to spare, then you can choose haste. You can maximize the DE gain with elixir spells.

For war

For this one, it might be best to learn a variety of attacks. Lalo attacks are the best. However, the easiest attack is GoWiWiBo, 3 star a TH9, and it comes with 2 Golems, eight wizards, four wall breakers, and ten witches and bowlers. When it comes to spells,  you should use 1 heal, 1 jump, 2 rage, and 1 poison. The only problem is that it costs 5k DE per attack. If you’re not willing to spend that much, you should try lavaloonian.  The army has 4 Lava Hounds, 25 minions and 16 loons. The spells are either haste or rage, or a combination of those 2. the thing with this one is that killing enemy CC troops is a priority.

Games News

Empires & Allies: Use These Tips To Improve Your Game Strategy

If you enjoy strategy military games, then you definitely have Empires & Allies installed on your mobile phone. The game allows you to use tanks, helicopters and various weapons in order to create a strong army. You have to protect yourself against rivals and defeat GRA, a terrorist organization. A strategy is very important when playing Empires & Allies, and that is why we have a couple of tips that should help you.

Attacking a base

When you attack a base you can choose between different options. For example, you can decide to control your troops while you are fighting. In order to do that you can use a flare for one Command Point. After Level 4 HQ you can also decide whether you want to send multiple units or just one unit.

Get help from your friends

Your friends can be very helpful in this game. Make sure you are part of an alliance. You can create one or you can join one that already exists. In order to play with your real friends you need to connect your game with Game Center or Facebook first. Allies help you complete your upgrades faster and you have a chance to share resources.

Strike Force

Once you reach level 4 with your headquarters you will be able to use Strike Force. This ability will make your troops stronger, let you gain more Command Points and bolster your defences. You should find the icon for it in the bottom left corner. Once you tap on it you can see the Strike Force Menu.

Defend yourself

In Empires & Allies defensive structures are very important if you want to stop your rivals. Make sure that you have enough guard towers and landmines.

Games News

Will Saints Row 5 See the Light of Day?

Saints Row is a long-running open-world franchise that is loved by millions of fans. The series began as yet another GTA clone but from the very start it worked hard to showcase a distinct experience and exclusive features. Most players became familiar with the series when Saints Row 2 was released across several platforms. A catchy story, good gunplay and creative side activities made the franchise popular.

After the fourth entry in the series was released many fans believed that the developer forgot what made the game special sales numbers may have not been that great.

Deep Silver and Volition experimented with a spin-off title called Agents of Mayhem that takes part in an alternate Saints Row universe. The title failed to impress critics and fans and the sales may have prompted Deep Silver, the current publisher of the series, to discontinue future projects at least for a while.

Volition, the developer, has remained silent on the subject. Many believe that the studio is still haunted by the mediocre impact of Saints Row 4, developed when THQ, the former publisher, went bankrupt.

Deep Silver also hyped Agents of Mayhem, making it look like the next big title in the franchise but the ties with the original Saints Row are very weak. This correlated with poor sales puts a lot of pressure on Volition since another botched title could mean that the studio will be closed.

Volition hasn’t developed a Saints Row title since the stand-alone Gat Out of Hell expansion which was released back in 2015. The lack of a comprehensive story mode doomed the spin-off and further reduced the enthusiasm for another Saints Row.

There is still hope that Saints Row 5 may be in development but the project is kept secret until something impressive can be shown.  The Saints Row community is still active and asking for a new title and Deep Silver may decide to allow Volition to make another title before GTA 6 hits the scene.

Games News

GTA 6: Release Game and a Female-Main Character?

2018 is almost over and fans still don’t know anything about GTA 6 – not a release date, not even an update of their work or if work really happens – at all. Fans can only think of GTA 6 by making comparisons with GTA 5.

Will they get rid of the previous characters?

Among the most preferred rumors out there on the internet, is also the possibility of a new main protagonist. In every title, we got to meet some new characters and their stories. However, there has always been the main character that was the center of the gameplay. There are rumors that they simply cannot get rid of the main protagonists of the previous game. We cannot know for sure until we have an official statement from the game developers.

Some say that Trevor, Franklin and Michael – the protagonists of GTA V – won’t be returning for the sequel. But that they’d make occasional cameos in the next game GTA 6.

It’s also a rumor on the internet that a female protagonist will make its appearance in GTA 6. One of the writers of the game was asked in an interview if there’s a possibility for a female character to be the main character of the game, and his answer was of course, but they did not find the perfect one yet, but that it’s definitely in their minds. As long as they have the proper themes, there can be a female lead role in the game.

The release date

As said before, we don’t have much information for GTA 6. Also, the release date may not happen soon, as we believed. One gaming industry analyst said that the game will be announced in 2020, so it’s very likely it will be launched in 2021.

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