Games News

The Complete Clash of Clans Guide For Each Type Of Player

Clash of Clans is one of the top mobile games. There are numerous players, and each player has a different strategy. We have prepared a couple of tips for you, and they work for each kind of strategy, whether you are a defensive player or one that prefers to attack.

Have successful attacks

Attacking can be improved if you are aware of certain tips. You shouldn’t attack at random. Notice that you have 30 seconds before you begin the attack, and you should take advantage of them. Come up with a strategy.

Don’t attack a base unless you are sure that you can get at least one star. You should also win more resources than you have spent. If there are any castle troops, make sure that you kill them first and then go on with your attack.

It is also a good idea to divide your troops into two groups, so that you don’t use them all at once. For example, one group can handle the main defenses and the walls and you can prepare a second line of attack afterwards.

Defend your base

Defending your base is also important. You should create a good design for it. Online pictures can help you, but make sure that you respect all the indications given. You should also make sure that all your traps are upgraded to the max and active.


If you want to protect your resources you can lower your league. You can also “hide” dark elixir by placing troops in the training queue. Once you come back online you can cancel their training and you will get your resources back. When you design your base you should also make sure that your collectors are placed in the center so that you can protect them.

Games News

Clash of Clans is Currently Under Maintenance for Fixing a Bug from the Optional Update

November 2nd was an important day for Clash of Clans players. The optional update was released and fans were very enthusiastic about it. The version, called League Medals, promised to add 50 Medals to the total amount of each player who wanted to update. Instead, a bug prevented the update to properly function and set the Medal’s value to 50.

The bug was immediately reported by users and announced on Twitter

Developers gave the update a lot of attention since the initial version missed Tutorial League Medals. The part released on November 2nd fixed this flaw, but unfortunately, the improved version came with the bug previously mentioned.

Many users were affected by this situation, so Clash of Clans developers announced that maintenance is required for successfully solving the issue. Their next step was to declare that the game is under maintenance starting from the same day when the update was released – November 2nd.

The information was made public through the game’s Twitter channel after many players complained about the bug. Developers added that they are working on solving the matter and apologized for the inconvenience. Since Clash of Clans is still under maintenance, we can conclude that they still haven’t managed to fix the bug.

The optional update promised to bring many improvements

Version 111.49.9 was expected to bring some interesting changes:

  • It removed the Halloween loading screen and, next to it, the themed music and obstacles appearing mode;
  • Improvements for the iPhone RX mode;
  • A bug noticed on iOS 12 was fixed;
  • During Tutorial Medals, players get 50 medals if they complete the CWL tutorial.

Once it’s fixed, the update will be available in Café Bazaar and Google Play. Soon, we will get to see it in other app stores as well.

News Tech

Clash of Clans Guide For 3 Star Attacking in TH 11

Clash of Clans introduced a new attacking strategy with its latest balancing adjustments and it has been rising pretty fast for those among us that reached TH 11. This strategy will allow you to level up to 3 Stars even those maxed Town Hall 11 bases. Actually, it represents an evolution or a modification of the B*Witched attack that has proven to be pretty useful in these past months.


The nice part of this strategy is that it allows you to perform solid attacks in a Clan War as well if your opponent has an Anti 3-Star design that comes with big compartments.

How does it work?

The strategy has its central point in getting your Witches and Golems to build your funnel on the outside while your Bowlers along with your Heroes will go into the core. Do it right and you are going to have a solid 2 Star – often you will have a 3-Star – even if you come across maxed Town Hall 11 bases.

Pros and Cons

The pros for GoBoWi are: first, it is an easy (kind of mass) strategy to implement; then, you are guaranteed a 2 Star, if you know how to properly build a funnel; you have a good possibility for 3 Stars.

The cons consist of a requirement for solid upgrades to your Bowlers and Witches (Level 3 for TH11 and Level 2 for TH10). Also, you will find it extremely expensive in Dark Elixir.

Troop composition

The spells aspect can be played with a bit, but the main composition is somewhat fixed. The army setup has 15 Bowlers, 10 Witches (5 deployed on each side), and 1 Golem plus another one in your Clan Castle.

The recommended spells are: 1 Poison Spell or 1 Earthquake, 3 Jump Spells, 2 Rage Spells or 1 Rage and 1 Heal Spell, and a Clan Castle Spell: Heal or Rage.

Games News

Exciting New Features Arrive in the Clash of Clans October Update

Supercell has unleashed the October update after several weeks of anticipation, adding a variety of new content and features that will make the famous game even better. Read below in order to discover the hottest additions!

Clan War Leagues

One of the features that set the community on overdrive when it was first announced is finally available. The competitive feature will allow clans to join a war league where they will wage battle upon 7 opposing clans. The league will be available once per month, during a period of 8 days. Successful clans will be promoted to the next rank and collect valuable rewards on their way to climb the 18 available ranks. Participating in the clan league wars will net you league medals, which can be used in the brand-new League Shop in order to acquire limited cosmetics and powerful items.

Magic Hammers and Clock Tower Potion

Among the boons that can be bought with league medals, magic hammers and clock tower potions are particularly impressive. The hammers come in four flavors, and each one grants a different benefit like instant upgrades for troops, spells OR buildings. The clock tower potion will activate your Builder Base Clock Tower building for a limited amount of time.

Another new item is the Tornado trap. This item is particularly useful, as it unleashes savage winds that will stop the enemy units on their path as it draws them towards it, giving you valuable time for positioning and defensive maneuvers.

Thematic Halloween content is also available and users that enjoy single-player are in for a treat as 25 new goblin maps were added to the game.  Raiding all the maps will grant you valuable resources as you can earn up to 17 million gold coins the same amount of elixir and up to 166.000 in dark Elixir.

A few quality-of-life updates were also included, as some units were balanced and the shop UI was revamped among other improvements.

Games Tech

Clash of Clans 11.49.4 Rolled Out With New Features And Content

Who hasn’t already heard of Clash Of Clans? Clash of Clans is a game designed by Supercell and is still one of the most popular games for Android and iOS, even now, six years after the first release. Over the years, Supercell frequently updated the game with new features. Now, it’s time for the Clash Of Clans 11.49.4 to come out with new features and content.

Clash of Clans is played by millions of player from around the world, so is still one of the most popular games worldwide. The idea of the game is quite simple, so all you have to do is to build a village and evolve to new levels, upgrading your buildings, armies, weapons, and so on. You can also join clans and fight with your partners against your common foes.

Also, Clash of Clans is free to play on both Android and iOS, but some in-game items and add-ons can only be purchased with real money.

Clash of Clans 11.49.4 Rolled Out With New Features And Content

Clash of Clans features include:

  • Join a Clan of players or build your own and invite your friends;
  • Fight in Clan Wars against players across the world;
  • Defend your village with various cannons, traps, bombs, mortars, and fortress walls;
  • Fight against the Goblin King in a campaign;
  • Plan the best battle strategies with countless mixtures of spells, as well as troops, and Heroes;
  • Join friendly challenges, friendly wars, or special events;
  • Train your soldiers and upgrade them to upper levels;

The new Clash of Clans 11.49.4 update comes out with the following new features and content, according to the official release note:

  • Get ready to fight in Clan War Leagues, a new competitive ladder for Clan Wars with fantastic prizes;
  • Continue your war against the Goblins in 25 entirely new Single Player maps;
  • This update also includes a new Trap, balance changes and much more;
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