Games News

New Sims 5: What We Know so Far About the Release Date

Can you believe that it’s been already 18 years since you played the first Sims game? The popularity of the game still increases day by day and it started from the very beginning. Electronic Arts, the developer of the game did its best when it came to improving the game with the new features, graphics and all the thousands of accessories that you use, such as clothes and furniture.

EA does not like to hurry

It’s safe to say that EA is taking its time to launch Sims 5. We know, fans everywhere want to game so bad, but EA made a decision some time ago to create DLC content packs for the current Sims 4 game. Still, the DLC is giving fans around the world a reason not to get bored with the game. However, they get impatient every day, because what they really want is Sims 5.

DLCs are profitable

Speaking of Sims 4, the game was released in 2014 and is still being kept alive by DLCs. Notwithstanding, fanatics of the series are getting exhausted and they need another title. Realizing that EA isn’t one to pass up a great opportunity for a chance to make some money, we believe it’s only fair to say that Sims 5 is being produced at present.

The developer has made it a custom to release another Sims game after the present title has been active for at least four years. Considering that Sims 4 has been out for four years now, rumor has it that EA wants to give us the Sims 5 in 2019.

On the off chance that you didn’t have a clue, the motivation behind why EA holds up so long between releasing new games is that DLCs are, actually, gainful.

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