When you combine Pokemon Go with J.K. Rowling’s universe of Harry Potter, you’ll get Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. This title is the next in line from Niantic, the creators of the fan-favorite Pokemon Go. And it seems that Harry Potter: Wizards Unite could become even more popular than Pokemon Go, as the game would be a more sophisticated AR experience.
Niantic rolled out Pokemon Go in 2016, and the game was quick to turn into a very popular title on Android and iOS. With tons of fans and dozens of special events and new content regularly added, Pokemon Go made Niantic become one of the world’s top game studios.
Now, the developers plan to plunge deeper than ever into the world of augmented reality with the future Harry Potter: Wizards Unit. This upcoming title would feature the improved base concept of Pokemon Go, and it would replace Pokemons with characters from the Harry Potter franchise. Also, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite would be more sophisticated than Pokemon Go.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite by Niantic might turn out as a more popular game than Pokemon Go
At first glance, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite looks quite similar to Pokemon Go, the most significant hit of Niantic, launched in 2016. However, under the hood, the game involves several systems at work that would attract the fans of the famous Harry Potter franchise.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite would involve the players into searching and collecting various artifacts and characters, while the gamers would also have to save significant personages from the Harry Potter series, including Harry Potter, from a variety of dangerous situations. The game would also feature some mini-games, such as those designed to create spells.
While it looks straightforward at first, Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is quite challenging with many novelties and gameplay changes in comparison with Pokemon Go. The best thing is that, soon, die-hard fans of the Harry Potter franchise could see the world created by J.K. Rowling in real life thanks to augmented reality. Judging on the popularity of the Harry Potter series, the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite might become more popular than Pokemon Go. We’ll find out this year, though, when the game should roll out.