Games News

The Sims 5 2020 Expected Release Date – EA is Looking Towards the Future

The Sims 4 launched back in 2014 and it kept receiving new DLCs ever since. However, DLCs are not what fans really want. Even though having new DLCs is nice because it refreshes the content, The Sims 5 is what fans are waiting for. On the downside of things, EA who is the lead developer behind the Sims franchise has yet to confirm that The Sims 5 is being developed.

The Sims 4 Lives On

Just like all other companies, EA is looking to generate profits and not to necessarily please fans. Therefore, EA doesn’t have a good reason to start investing in The Sims 5 as long as The Sims 4 keeps making money because fans purchase DLCs. Developing a DLC requires a lot less time than a full game and this is why EA keeps doing it.

The Sims 5 2020 Release

Even though EA might still be able to sell The Sims 4 DLCs for now, fans are going to get tired of this at one point and the game developer will need to create a new installment. Rumor has it that EA is already looking towards the future and that The Sims 5 might be scheduled for a 2020 release.

EA Needs to Earn Fans Trust Back

This past couple of months have not been that good for EA. Gamers all around the world have united against EA and promised not to pre-order any games produced by EA. This means that EA needs to earn the trust of its fans trust back and what better way to do that than with The Sims 5?

Revamping The Sims Franchise

If we take a look at the Sims community forum, we will see that the one thing all fans are asking for is open-world exploration. With that said, The Sims 5 could feature open-world exploration. This feature is surely going to be implemented because this would make it possible for EA to release even more DLCs in the years to come.

Games News

Clash of Clans Tips to Make you Enjoy the Game Even More

We’ll share with you some tips and tricks for this very popular game, Clash of Clans, which seems to gather more and more fans with each passing day.

Safeguarding or attacking – find a balance between them

Most players are concentrating on both building a defense and starting a fight against others. If you want to make defense your main focus, then you should first upgrade your town hall and then the walls along with the defensive structures. Keep in mind that the main towers that you should pay attention to are the mortar and air defense. This means that they must stay somewhere near the middle and they need a lot of protection. So if you’re playing in a defensive way, don’t hurry up to upgrade your town hall, as you will earn less when attacking lower-level players.

In case you prefer to attack other players rather than remaining in defense, you should still follow the same steps that we just mentioned. So you must first build up your town hall and then focus on the elixir production.

Be aware of the way the land must be structured

As you can probably imagine, it’s crucial to have a great amount of walls between the resources that you have and the outside. To be sure that you will not encounter any problems, you must leave no gaps in your perimeter and all structures have to be tied together.

Choose your targets wisely

You must consider the Town Hall level of your opponents before attacking them, since a lower level than the one you have means that you will not gain so many resources after the attack is over.

Patience is important and so is saving your gems

You need to be very cautious when spending your valuable gems, therefore you should avoid using them only to speed up production. Try to keep them for something more meaningful that you can actually retain and use later in the game. We also recommend you to clear natural obstacles and complete achievements in order to accumulate a big amount of gems. Overall, remember that it’s a bad idea to buy resources entirely with gems, so instead you should concentrate on expanding your production buildings.

Consider raiding together with buddies

Once you gain more experience through the game and are ready to get into organized clan play, you can already think about playing together with other players, which will help you socialize and bring you some pretty good resources too.

Games News

Clash Royale – Advanced from Silver to Gold League? Here’s What You Need to Know

Getting in wars is one of the most fun things that you can do in Clash Royale. However, things get even better when you need to team up with your clan members and then win fights in order to get ranked in higher leagues. Since we are talking about Clash Royale leagues, the biggest difference in skill is between silver and gold. Most Clash Royale players are stuck in the silver league while only the best advance further!

Advancing from Silver to Gold League

Today we are going to present Clash Royale fans with a few tips that will help them run their clan successfully after advancing from silver to the gold league. Even though some clan leaders might take this to the extremes and assign players with special tasks, we know that not everyone dedicates all their free time to Clash Royale and we will only go over the most important tips.

Practice Makes Perfect

After asking on the r/ClashRoyale subreddit, we found out that the one thing all clan leaders who are ranked gold have in common is that they ask their clan members to practice a lot. If you do not plan on enforcing this type of rule on your clan members, then you should at least tell them to train before war day battles.

Do Not Force Participation or Exclusion

Not everyone has the free time to join war day battles and therefore, clan leaders should make sure not to force participation. Not just that, but also don’t exclude players from battles because they might not have a certain type of card. The game stops being fun when things get too serious and having fun is the most important thing about Clash Royale.

On the other hand, there are some players who do nothing and you shouldn’t tolerate slackers just for the sake of it. Don’t be afraid to kick someone out of the clan, especially when that player doesn’t participate battles at all.

Games News

A New Red Dead Redemption 2 Weapon has Been Found in GTA 5 Online

Even though we will still have to wait a few more months to be able to play Red Dead Redemption 2, some of its items have been made available through another game by Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto 5. One year ago, the game’s developer made an announcement regarding a crossover mission in GTA Online that allows players to unlock a weapon for the upcoming title and now something similar has been discovered in a code of GTA 5.

Gain a new weapon through a treasure hunt

A second Red Dead Redemption 2 weapon has been uncovered by Guru Team, which also unveiled the first tie-in mission in GTA Online. The item found through data mining is a stone hatchet, which can be earned by visiting five different places on the map and eliminating a target. Once you have been to all five locations, you will need to go to a sixth area, where your award will be waiting for you. The newly acquired weapon can be used to unlock the stone hatchet in RDR 2 for PS4 and Xbox One, as long as you can complete some special challenges.

The second crossover mission is yet to be announced

The new weapon is not available in GTA Online at the moment, even though it can be found in the code of the game. We still do not know when the stone hatchet will become available, as Rockstar has not announced this new crossover mission yet. However, since the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 is scheduled for October 26, we should soon get some info from the creators of the game.

The first crossover mission was announced in December of last year. Once it is completed, a double-action revolver will become available for use in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Games News

No Man’s Sky Planets – Find The Most Awkward Ones

No Man’s Sky features a wide variety of randomly generated planets. Muyeseci is one of those rare is one of those planets seemingly ripped out of the Slender Man’s dreams. You will find a barren world, lacking any plants or animals. It does not even feature mountains or seas. A grim visage awaits you, filled with strange hexagonal metal circles and cyber structures similar to mushroom fungi.

I should have known better when I first saw the description of the planet in the scan. [Redacted] should have been a safe clue that something was wrong with Muyeseci.  It is only one of several planets in its system and after further exploration I have found some that look even creepier. At first it looked like just any other normal planet, with huge mountains, and vast oceans, reminiscent of Earth. Upon landing, I have seen one of the most desolate plains in video games. Countless metal structures, in the form of black rings covered the surface, reminiscent of same failed ritual or even a mass cemetery for the planet’s population.

While most of planets are generated randomly, you are able to apply certain ship upgrades which allow you to find them more easily. The key is to upgrade your Hyperdrive. But which one is right for you?

You will need three particular drives, the Cadmium, Emeril and Indium Hyperdrives. They will allow you to reach Reed, Green and blue star systems, were elusive exotic planets tend to appear more often. In order to reach the star systems you will have to progress through the drives in the mentioned order, as it is not possible to jump straight to the Iridium drive. You will need Cadmium from a Red system in order to develop the Emeril Hyperdrive and so on. Blueprints and other parts are available many Galactic Trade Terminals.

Go on and see where the stars will carry you!

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