Games News

Clash of Clans – Farming Strategies for Town Hall 12 with No Hero and Troops

The latest update for Clash of Clans introduced Town Hall 12 and this changed the entire game! Town Hall 12 adds more depth to the game and it gives players different strategies that they can use in order to dominate their enemies. However, the most important thing that Clash of Clans players can do now that Town Hall 12 is here is to devise a clever farming strategy for Town Hall 12 without needing to rely on clan castle troops or heroes.

Farming Strategies for Town Hall 12

We asked veteran Clash of Clans players about the farming strategies that they use when it comes to Town Hall 12 so that new players can get an idea of what type of tricks they can use. With that being said, let’s get into it.

Be Active!

“PaluEF” is a Forum Elder on the official Clash of Clans community forum and his advice for new players who are trying to farm for Town Hall 12 is to be active. The Forum Elder is saying that the cheapest way to farm without heroes and with Titan is: LaLooNion: 2 lavas, 30 loons, 2-3 BBdrags, rest minions (exchange minis for a few wbs if heroes), 2 rage, 1 clone, 1 freeze, 2 haste, and 1 poison.

Looting with Cheap Armies

Another forum users that goes by “Klavious” is saying that looting with cheap armies in lower leagues is not as profitable as it might sound. Therefore, “Klavious” advises new players to get Titans and hope for better loot.

Basic Troops

The user “2222” is a Game Specialist on the forum and he is saying that new players shouldn’t try to look for complicated farming strategies and stick with basic troops instead. Therefore, farming with Barch, goblins and so on will do the job just fine.

Games Tech

Is Minecraft APK Full Version Indeed Available On Aptoide?

Minecraft is one of the most popular games of the past years, despite its simple graphics. However, the game is not free, so many people would like to download a Minecraft full version without having to pay for an official download. Well, many wonder if Minecraft APK full version is indeed available on Aptoide.

In fact, you can download the Minecraft: Pocket Edition version for your Android device, and Aptoide, the renowned third-party app stores collection, could be the right place to do that.

Basically, Aptoide is the perfect app to use when you want to grab apps and games that are not officially available on Google Play Store, but you might also get some apps that are not any longer supported by their devs. Therefore, it is your responsibility if bumping into some apps that damage your device.

But, don’t worry much, because there are millions of people who play an unofficial Minecraft version they downloaded from Aptoide or other APK store.

Minecraft APK full version on Aptoide

As I’ve mentioned, even though it’s not boasting excellent or at least modern graphics, Minecraft is one of the most addictive and popular games on the market, at this moment.

However, to grab your Minecraft APK full version from Aptoide, you have to download the Aptoide app first. Afterward, you have to open the app and search for the Minecraft: Pocket Edition using the Aptoide built-in search engine.

You can download Aptoide third-party apps store from APKMirror.

Also, don’t forget to allow installations from unknown sources on your Android device, usually found under the Setting -> Security section. Once you do it, you’ll be able to install the Aptoide APK.

When this third-party apps store is up and running on your Android device, access it and download the Minecraft APK full version from Aptoide and enjoy one of the most appreciated games ever.

Games News

Clash of Clans and Pokemon Go Mix will hit App Stores this Summer

Every smartphone owner must have heard at least once about Clash of Clans and Pokemon GO and maybe even played for a while. For those of you that asked themselves ‘’Hmmm, a mixture of Clash and Pokemon GO would be awesome’’, your wish has been granted. Clash&GO will be launched later this summer and promises an interesting mixture between the two games, highlighting the best features of both.

Developed by Leyland, who also created the popular title Draconius GO, the new offering promises geolocation, city-building and RTS elements, all rolled into one. You will be able to walk around in the real world, stop anywhere you like and start a new village, just like you would in Clash of Clans.  For those who do not enjoy PvP, or do not wish to interact with other people, a single-player campaign will also be available.

The main attraction is the fact that you can manipulate the open-world in any way you desire to Build, demolish, reshape, construct a glorious city or wreak havoc on poorly-defended ones. It is all up to you, should you possess the right amount of CGO tokens (it is a free-to-play title after all). The developers even implied Blockchain functionality (hence the CGO tokens).

In a manner similar to Pokemon GO, the game will use live map data, your location, and your camera in order to construct the AR world in real time. Vacant lots are free to take, hidden treasures await you in some places, and useful items can be collected for later use.

You will also be able to build a classic, static base, which can be upgraded and improved by collecting resources. Should you opt-in for PvP you will also need to defend it from raiders in search of easy prey. Clans will also be an option as you and your friends will be able to contest and conquer territories in order to expand your kingdom.

While the game looks promising it remains to be seen just how good it will be at release.


Pokemon GO 0.111.2 Update Available With Exciting New Features And Lucky Pokemon

All you trainers out there may be best advised to take a seat and read this article. With the recent 0.111.2 update, Pokemon GO has become even more interesting thanks to some incredible new additions.

We’re talking about the introduction of the Lucky Pokemon, a special new type which will require a smaller amount of Stardust to power up, new berry items, a complete Celebi encounter and more.

Lucky Pokemon

We should start with what represents a special subject for most players out there, the Lucky Pokemon. If we were to listen to what the code base has to say, any particular Pokemon can be branded as Lucky. A network traffic analyst from POGO Dev Discord has stumbled upon a neat feature. Apparently, Lucky Pokemon will be able to power up with a smaller amount of Stardust.

The Pokedex is already displaying the Lucky Pokemon label, meaning that you should be on the lookout for this feature. We still know very little about this type of Pokemon but, besides the decrease in the required Stardust, these Pokemon also come with custom background, animation and camera effects.

Be ready for the Celebi Encounter

Don’t rub your eyes in wonder because it’s true. Celebi is up and ready to be introduced to the world. According to our sources, everything is packed and ready, animations, camera action, required fields and the Celebi Pokedex screen as well. Now, all we can do is wait for the NIA to deliver it to us.

A new berry appears

We took a look at the APK’s static assets and we’ve stumbled upon a new Pinap Berry. There are speculations that it will be called Silver Pinap Berry (confirmation still pending) and that, along with its emergence on the market, the amount of Pokemon Candy received from capture encounters will rise as well.

Along with the appearance of the Lucky Pokemon, it will do well in relieving the pressure of stashing Rare Candies.


Niantic is investing in the social aspect of the game, if we take a look at the improvements added to the Friend list or the Gift system. The mystery of the Lucky Pokemon and of the new type of berry will soon be revealed. All we can do now is wait.

Games News

Minecraft Aquatic Update Download Available for Java Players

Released first on other platforms the Update Aquatic has been made available for the players of the classic Java version. The Windows 10 edition was the first to receive the update, splitting the PC players in half. The update adds the marine biome, which includes among other features new life forms, secret underwater temples and more.

The PS4 is the only platforms that have not received the update, with no future release date in sight.

While the full patch notes are available here, check out a brief highlights selection of the general enhancements below:


  • All undead mobs now sink
  • Changed underwater visibility
  • Your vision will gradually increase the longer you’re underwater
  • Overhauled world generation
  • Overhauled command parser
  • Added new world type “Buffet”
  • Allows you to create worlds with a unique biome
  • More features will come to the Buffet world type in later updates
  • Added a bunch of new sounds
  • Added three new pieces of music
  • Added underwater ambience sounds
  • Added a swimming animation
  • Press your sprint key underwater to start swimming
  • Added data packs
  • Allows you to edit recipes, tags, loot tables, functions, and advancements
  •  Added new advancements
  •   Some blocks can now be waterlogged
  • Use a water bucket on a block to surround it with water
  • Added an “Optimize World” button (singleplayer -> edit world -> optimize world), which upgrades an entire world from older version to the latest version in one go

Released by Markus Persson and Mojang, Minecraft became a hit since early beta, allowing users to create and recreate complex virtual worlds within the game. Several landmark locations from both real life and video games have been reconstructed in Minecraft with amazing accuracy, seeming at first glance to be pictures of the real thing.

The game is available on all the major gaming platforms and is known for being it among children and adults alike.

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