
All Eyes on Goku as More and More People Play Dragon Ball Super Gods

Dragon Ball is a huge franchise, now more than ever. The Super Gods release is a huge hit among many Dragon Ball fans. There are plenty who play it because they love certain characters but apparently there are plenty who like to dress up as them too.

Goku the heartthrob

Goku is the central piece in Dragon Ball, regardless whom you ask. More than that, Goku is what keeps such a fanatic audience on the lookout for everything in the franchise. The creators decided to profit a bit thanks to the huge fan reserve that is completely enamored with the Dragon Ball characters.

You can now find websites specialized in merchandising Dragon Ball-related stuff. When you go on the official site to download the series you will find certain links that carry you to sites where you can buy accessories and clothing articles which will make you look like your favorite character.

The first things that came on sell are the Time ring worn by Goku and the Potara earring. These two pieces of merch are available for ordering and the shipping will start sometime in October. Seemingly, the fans are extremely anxious over this marketing decision and they can’t wait to get their hands on some Dragon Ball-related articles.

What are the costs?

Everybody is curious about how much they will have to spend to get their hands on the Potara earnings or on the Time Ring. Well, the earring is expected to cost about $140, while the ring will have a price tag of $106. The Dragon Ball Super series has 52 episodes on air. The English dub version is available on Adult Swim or other similar channels. Be sure to stay tuned and keep your eyes peeled for further news.

Games News

Pokemon Go Might Receive PVP Features Sooner Than Expected

Pokemon Go is one of the most successful mobile games in the world and one of the main reasons behind this is the wave of new content and cool features that Niantic keeps rolling out. Niantic recently introduced trading to Pokemon Go and this feature adds more complexity to the game since players can use it to help out their friends by lending them a powerful Pokemon or use trading to increase the number of Pokemon they own.

Pokemon Go PVP

While the trading feature might be nice, there is one in-game feature that all players have been asking for and Niantic doesn’t want to deliver, PVP. Is there something even more exciting than the thought of fighting your friends and strangers in a Pokemon battle? Fortunately, it looks Niantic labs is planning to introduce PVP sooner than expected.

PVP is Coming Soon

Anne Beuttenmuller is the local head of product marketing for Pokemon Go in Poland and she recently went on an interview with the Gram where she said something quite interesting. Anne Beuttenmuller said that Niantic’s primary goal is to improve the game’s social features and that’s why trading was introduced. Therefore, PVP is the single other feature that Niantic can add to the game in order to give players additional reasons to interact with each other.

Augmented Reality PVP

The cool thing about Pokemon Go is the fact that it uses AR (augmented reality) and this means that PVP will be incredible! Just imagine how fun it would be to whip out your smartphone and fight strangers in the park over a Pokemon, just like Ash did back in the day when everyone watched the animated Pokemon series on TV. Let’s hope Niantic doesn’t waste any time and decides to release this feature before summer ends.

Games News

Sims 5 – Recent News and Release Date

The recent E3 event had little expectations regarding Sims 5 since there’s still a lot remaining from Sims 4.  Grant Rodiek, one of the developers of the game once commented regarding the game that Sims 5 will not go on sale if Sims 4 will not do good in terms of sale and players support.

We can make fairly assumptions based only on what Rodiek said.  So, Maxis will make the game, EA will publish it only if there’s enough revenue from Sims 4 which was launched in 2014. Official figures haven’t been released, but EA said that the game drawn enough attention from the public, especially fan community and of course made great revenue. We can safely say the new Sims game will be released, and we can predict the date based on previous releases.

It’s hard to come with a whole new game idea and released it sooner than two or three years; unless they already work on the new idea for the past time, since Sims 4 was released.

The current game includes four expansion packs, five-game packs and twelve stuff packs. We should study when this game could possibly come to an end. There have been only nine solid packs launched so it’s nowhere closer to the end.

Maxis have a lot on their table for the time being: fixing current bugs, adding new features and of course bring more interesting packs to the existing game before even considering moving on.

Grant Rodiek said for the PC Games Insider in an interview that the Pets Expansion Pack is not at the end and “pets are simply the start and not the end of a cycle”. If they’ll had two or more expansions or game packs planned Sims 5 could only be released in 2021.

On Sims forums, a gamer with the id agent_bev said that EA and Maxis have a distinct pattern when it comes to releasing new games. He pointed out that Rockstar released GTA5 in 2013 and without doubt, they’ve started to develop Red Dead Redemption 2 in the same time, which is going to be launch later this year.

Sims 5 could be in development, but it will take a serious amount of time before it could get released. Sims 4 life cycle would not end soon, since the fan base has been expanded due to the release on two new platforms: PS4 and Xbox One.

Sims 5 will come without the loading screens and with a larger world to explore. Fans have been complaining about the lack of the second feature, so this becomes a mandatory feature for Sims 5. There will be an incorporated map and other real players you can interact with.

Another basic feature will be letting people have cars and let them drive. There are previous versions of Sims and other RTS games that have this feature. This will only come natural to players.

Parenthood and toddlers are expected to be available on Sims 5 since on previous version this was only available as an expansion pack; although afterwards it became a free update.

Sims 4 doesn’t give players the ability to customize characters at a deeper level; all of this will be fixed in the future game.  This will give each player the opportunity to stand out from the crowd as they can customize the look of their characters as they desire.

EA and Maxis should strongly consider that players never appreciated the idea that they’ll have to buy expansion packs which should be included in the basic version of the game.

The game changer for Sims 5 will support VR gameplay right out of the box. The fact that the game is available on PS4 and Xbox One is surprising, since the lack of controls and freedom, which a PC version offers it.

The new consoles PS5 and Xbox One are the consoles of the future, offering more control and users of Sims 5 will have the freedom. These consoles are to be announced in 2019.

There also the rumors in which Microsoft will add a keyboard and mouse support. This will be a huge change for the consoles. But, no official announcements have been made so far.

Looking back at the releases of previous Sims games, Electronic Arts launched a game every four to five years. A simple math shows that 4 years have passed since Sims 4 was launched in 2014.

2020 marks the grand 20th Anniversary of the Sims franchise for both EA and Maxis; this would be the perfect moment to announce a new game which is available on PC, consoles and VR.

Games News

GTA 6 Thoughts – People’s Expectations vs. Reality

Nobody can deny that Grand Theft Auto is one of the most successful gaming franchises. It’s no wonder that every time a new part is being prepared, fans are anxious to get their hands on it and start playing. Unfortunately, we have to wait a long time until we can see Grand Theft Auto 6. Until it’s released, all we can do is speculate upon the potential features.

Online balancing is very helpful

GTA 5 is a game where advanced equipment and technology can help you succeed and pass levels easily, no matter if you are in single-player or online mode. The more advanced you are, the better becomes the equipment you can access. This is kind of unfair for new players, because they don’t have money in their wallets.

In this case, they have to go through a lot of missions until they get the necessary skills for getting better equipment. It would be great if the whole play-to-win process could be improved in Grand Theft Auto 6.

More varied missions could spice up the game a little bit

The name says a lot about the game. When it’s called Grand Theft Auto you can expect to see a lot of racing and missions connected to this area. None the less, more varied tasks and objectives could make the game even more interactive and fun.

If they want to introduce something like that, they could follow the example of Grand Theft Auto IV which had a multiplayer mode. Also, the Cops and Robbers mode from Grand Theft Auto V was very popular and should be kept for GTA 6. A possible improvement could be the possibility of earning more cash from these missions.

Another point from fans’ wish list is the single-player DLC. Many gamers think that this is a necessary addition, so let’s hope that developers read this article!

Other necessary improvements

Players would appreciate it if they could have a more diversified range of boats and bikes. These transport means are underused, so a few fancy additions would make them cooler and determine gamers to use them more.

Last, but not least, developers should be aware that Grand Theft Auto Online’s free-mode is not the most professional variant. It breaks a lot, so you can get just when you are about to advance. They really should do something to fix this in GTA 6.

Games News

Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell Games Made For Xbox One

This week, Microsoft just launched two right games for Xbox 360, from Ubisoft’s Splinter Cell set: Splinter Cell: Double Agent and Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

Blacklist is the latest portion in the Splinter Cell arrangement, initially released in 2013. It happens after the big events of Splinter Cell: Conviction and presents various new aptitudes and devices to Sam Fisher’s stockpile, similar to the Tri-Rotor drone. GameSpot granted the title an 8/10 in our unique Splinter Cell: Blacklist survey and it was stated that it has excessively numerous sweet adventures in store for you to miss them.

Double Agent, therefore, was initially launched in 2006. This one marked the debut of the Xbox 360 set and shows the hero, Sam Fisher, penetrate a terrorist group. It got an 8.5/10 in GameSpot’s unique Splinter Cell: Double Agent survey, in which it was said that, “Double Agent’s few keen twists on Splinter Cell’s single-player gameplay don’t result in a remarkably different experience from the previous games, though that doesn’t mean it still isn’t some of the best stealth action out there.”

If you still have a duplicate of one of the titles, you can put the disc into your Xbox One to start playing. In the meantime, those who’ve bought either game online will discover them in the Ready to Download zone of Xbox One’s. In the event that you don’t officially possess the titles but you want to check them, they are likewise accessible to download from the Microsoft Store.

July has been a genuinely crowded month for good launches. A week ago, Microsoft included two Silent Hills games – Homecoming and HD Collection – to the good library, while Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter arrived not long ago.

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