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How to Fix the No Connection Error in Aptoide

Getting the “No connection” error in Aptoide? Here’s a quick fix.

If you are an adept Android user who download apps regularly, you must have come across “Aptoide”, at one point or another. The app serves as an “app downloading platform” (like Play Store), from where Android apps can easily be downloaded. However, users often complain about a number of errors associated with this app, one of which is the “No connection” error.

To fix this error, follow through this guide with undivided attention.

How to Fix the “No Connection” Error in Aptoide

Method 1: Troubleshoot Network Connection

Typically, the “No connection” error-message indicates that “there is no internet connection” (Wi-Fi or mobile internet). Hence, as a first line of defence, you should check your mobile internet or Wi-Fi connection, and troubleshoot as appropriate.

To troublehoot internet connection, simply disconnect and reconnect to your device’s network connection (Wi-Fi or Mobile). You can also try the following:

  • Disable internet.
  • Set your phone to “Flight” mode.
  • Disable “Flight” mode.
  • Reconnect to the internet.
  • Check if the error is fixed.

If it persists, the problem’s probably not from your device’s internet.

Method 2: Force Close App

If you’ve ascertained the stability of your internet connection, it’s possible that the problem is from the app itself, in which case, you can try and “Force Stop” it. This will refresh the app and fix minor glitches.

To “Force Close” Aptoide:

  • Go to Settings > Application Manager
  • Locate and tap on “Aptoide”
  • Click on Force Close.

You can also clear the app’s data, by following the steps above, but this time select “Clear data”: Settings > Application Manager > Aptoide > Storage > Clear data.

If the issue persists, you can try the next solution.

Method 3: Restart Device

Like every tech gadget, device reboot is one of the basic solutions to fix various forms of errors on Android OS. This is because restarting a device wipes off all temporary files and bugs, and this could be the trick to fix the “No connection” error in Aptoide.

Method 4: Uninstall & Reinstall Program

As a last resort, you can uninstall the app from your device and reinstall (upgrade) to the latest version.

To reinstall Aptoide, simply uninstall it: Settings > Application Manager (Apps) > Aptoide > Uninstall. You would have to confirm uninstallation in the prompt window.

After successful uninstallation, go to Maladiva and install (upgrade to) the latest version of the app. This would require you to download the app’s APK, before installing it on your smartphone or tablet.

This should fix the “No connection” error, and you should now be able to connect and download/install apps with ease.

Games News Tech

How to Fix Aptoide If It Can’t Download Apps

Can’t download apps on Aptoide? This guide will show you a quick fix.

Aptoide is a pseudo-platform built like (and hosted on) Play Store; basically to provide Android users access to certain apps. It hosts a wide variety of apps and it’s been used extensively by Android users to download their favorite applications.

However, several users have complained of not being able to download/install/update apps from the platform, in which case, they typically encounter the error-message: “No connection” or “App not installed”.

To fix this, you can try the fixes herein.

Fix: Aptoide If It Can’t Download Apps

Before trying any fix, ensure that you have a stable mobile internet or Wi-Fi connection. This is because an unstable internet connection could be the primary cause of the problem.

Fix 1: Enable Permission in Settings

At times, being unable to download apps from Aptoide is basically due to configuration issues, particularly those associated with ‘permissions’. The main setting, in this case, is the “Unknown sources (Allow installation of apps from unknown sources)” permission. And any downloading/installation platform (like Aptoide) other than Play Store is categorized as an “unknown source”.

Therefore, if you’re having problems downloading apps from Aptiode, simply go to your Settings > Security and enable the “Unknown sources” option. You can then go ahead and download/install your favorite apps unhindered.

If the problem persists, you can try the next fix.

Fix 2: Clear Data

You can try and clear the app’s (Aptoide) data, and see if it fixes the error. This action would clear off certain files/data that could be causing (or contributing) to the error.

To clear Aptoide’s data on your smartphone or tablet, do the following:

  • Go to
  • Select Apps or Application Manager.
  • Locate “Aptoide” and click on it.
  • Select Storage (under Aptoide’s settings menu)
  • Select Clear data and/or Clear cache.
  • Exit ‘Settings’.

Launch Aptoide and check if you’re now able to download/install/update apps.

Fix 3: Reinstall Aptoide

If you’re still unable to download apps (from Aptoide), there is possibility of a major glitch(s), bug(s) and/or virus attack, in which case, you may have to reinstall the app.

To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Go to Settings > Application Manager.
  • Locate and click on “Aptoide”.
  • Select Uninstall and confirm action.
  • Go to Play Store (the app’s currently unavailable) or Maladiva and download Aptoide (APK).
  • Install the app.
  • Launch it and sign in as appropriate.

This should fix the problem, and you should now be able to download/update apps without worry.

Closing Note

Due to the ongoing trade war between the US and China, and the consequent collusion of Huawei with Aptoide, Google may implement some restrictions or changes (sooner or later), which could render some of the solutions herein ineffective. For instance, Aptoide is currently unavailable (hidden) on Play Store. But you can download it on other apk downloads sites.

Games News

Clash Of Clans June Update Incoming: What To Expect?

After so many new challenges and quests in Clash of Clans, we’re all getting ready to welcome the Clash Of Clans June Update which will bring a new magic item called “The Research Potion” and a few more changes to the league shot, the magic hammers, as well as some balance changes that will be announced this week.

Let’s see what to expect from the Clash of Clans June Update!

A New Magic Item Introduced

The Clash of Clans team announced in a blog post the new item called The Research Potion. It’s a magic item that is said to be “the culmination of Wizardly and Goblin alchemical experimentation.”

The story behind this potion is rather… impressive, as the ‘researchers’ have concocted it by pure mistake:

“They got a telescope, a microscope, an oscilloscope, and a stethoscope and did approximately 45 minutes of hard molecular and arcane science. After a rather loud and ominous explosion, the Research Potion was the accidental result of these…efforts.”

The Research Potion will be released with the June Update and players can use it tospeed up your Lab Research times by 10x for an hour.”

Other Changes: League Shop, Magic Hammers

With the June Update, players will see some changes in the League Shop, including these three items that will be available for different costs:

  • Training Potions for 10 League Medals
  • Research Potions cost 20 League Medals
  • Builder Potions cost 30 League Medals.

Because the Magic Hammers are too powerful, the Clash of Clans team has decided to put a 7-day cooldown on all Magic Hammers.” If you buy a Magic Hammer in the League Shop, you can only buy one again after 7 days when the cooldown ends. If you buy a Hammer of Heroes you cannot buy another one for 7 days, but you can buy another type of Hammer.

We’ll be right back with some more news including balance updates for Clash of Clans.

Remember we also have a lot of tricks and tips for Clash of Clans, Clash Royale and Brawl Stars.

Games News

Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield Won’t Be Present At E3 2019

We have some terrible news for Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield fans, but neither of the two Bethesda most sought-after games will be present at E3 2019. However, that doesn’t mean that Bethesda is not still working on the development of both Elder Scrolls 6 and Starfield. As a matter of fact, Bethesda’s head, Todd Howard, discusses both titles in an interview with IGN.

Elder Scrolls 6 Would Be As Long-Lived As The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

According to Todd Howard, the games studio, Bethesda, is thinking that Elder Scrolls 6 would be a game that would last for about ten years, at minimum. Accordingly, Elder Scrolls 6 would be an exciting installment in the series, and the company also believes that the release would be the most popular title in the franchise.

In other words, Bethesda plans to produce Elder Scrolls 6 to be as long-lived as The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. “On the one hand, I think it’s good to miss things. I think that makes people come to it with really fresh eyes. When you eventually, eventually see the game and what we have in mind [you’ll] understand the gap more in terms of technology and what we want it to do,” Todd Howard said in the interview with IGN.

Both Bethesda’s Elder Scrolls 6 And Starfield Won’t Be At E3 2019

On the other hand, besides Elder Scrolls 6, Starfield will miss E3 2019, as Bethesda’s Todd Howard revealed. “Starfield will have its own tone in terms of there is so much science-fiction in the same way that Fallout has its own tone in a post-apocalyptic. Elder Scrolls has found its own tone but originally didn’t. It was a very generic fantasy,” Howard said.

Besides, Todd Howard admitted that Starfield had been the first choice to launch after Fallout 4, but the initial plans weren’t as reliable as initially discussed. Accordingly, at the moment, Starfield is in the works at Bethesda’s North American studios. Also, Howard said that any fan must be patient about the release of Starfield. But, the same applies to Elder Scrolls 6 since Starfield is the first game that Bethesda would launch and, afterward, Elder Scrolls 6 would come out.

Games News

Clash of Clans Available to Play with P.E.K.K.A. King​ Skin

The game studio behind Clash of Clans has unveiled the Gold Pass for the game’s Season Challenges for this month. With the beginning of June, players can take part in tasks and play their way to unlocking the P.E.K.K.A. King skin. Supercell revealed the announcement on Friday morning.

The  P.E.K.K.A. King​ is, in essence, a broader version of the regular  P.E.K.K.A. that can substitute for the Barbarian King as soon as players unlock it. Players should know that P.E.K.K.A. King​’s features are entirely cosmetic and do not carry any particular advantage to the gameplay.

The P.E.K.K.A. King​ is the most recent seasonal character reward given as a part of the paid Gold Pass edition brought in in the Spring update. After spending $5 or 500 Gems, players unlock an exclusive batch of challenges that earn Challenge Points. Collect sufficient Challenge Points until the end of the season, and the P.E.K.K.A. King​ and some 29 more rewards are yours. Players who want to skip a few or all the challenges can also acquire the skin for 3,000 Gems.

Last month’s challenges brought the Gladiator skin to anyone who participated in the challenges. The P.E.K.K.A. King​ may not be like the Gladiator Warden a few players expected, but it’s still a great reward for those who love the game.

The complete list of Gold Pass challenge rewards can be read below.

40 Points: One Gem Donation

80 Points: Five times Training Potion

120 Points: 10 percent Builder Boost

160 Points: 10 percent Training Potion

200 Points: 10 percent Research Boost

260 Points: Bigger Season Bank

320 Points: Rune of Elixir

380 Points: Rune of Dark Elixir

440 Points: Rune of Gold

500 Points: Book of Building

580 Points: Five times Wall Ring

660 Points: Power Potion

740 Points: 15 percent Research Boost

820 Points: 15 percent Builder Boost

900 Points: 15 percent Training Boost

980 Points: Bigger Season Bank

1,060 Points: Hero Potion

1,140 Points: Builder Potion

1,220 Points: Rune of Builder Gold

1,300 Points: Rune of Builder Elixir

1,400 Points: Clock Tower Potion

1,500 Points: 20 percent Research Boost

1,600 Points: 20 percent Builder Boost

1,700 Points: 20 percent Training Boost

1,850 Points: Bigger Season Bank

2,000 Points: Shovel of Obstacles

2,150 Points: Power Potion

2,300 Points: Five times Wall Ring

2,450 Points: Book of Heroes

2,600 Points: P.E.K.K.A. King Skin

Clash of Clans is now accessible on both Android and iOS.

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