News Tech

iPhone XR Teardown – Raw and Unfiltered Power

The new iPhone XR has been officially released on the market, and in less than 24 hours tear-down videos were already published on YouTube and some even include X-ray scans.

The device features a rectangular logic board, as expected. The battery is similar in shape to the one found on the iPhone 8 but the cell capacity is quite larger. At an approximately 11.16 Wh, the battery is stronger than the one found on the iPhone 8 or X and only the larger iPhone XS Max battery is superior at 12.08 Wh.

Since the LCD display has a lower resolution in comparison to its OLED equivalents, battery life should be better as the energy consumption is notably lower. Breaking the glass on the back of the device will compromise the entire chassis and the cost to fix it will be quite high.

The XR has also raised waves as the smartphone managed to outperform every Android flagship currently available on the market as it scored awe-inspiring results in the GeekBench 4 benchmark.

The 2018 iPhones were less about new features improvement s and more about raw and unfiltered power, which does make a great difference in daily use as you can run more apps and they all work flawlessly. What makes the XR even more impressive is the massive score it got on the renowned AnTuTU benchmark app, which is used to set the global standard in the mobile world. While the other flagships weren’t able to go beyond 300,000, the iPhone XR reached a mind-blowing 363,500 setting a new landmark for future devices to reach.

The iPhone XR clearly aims to conquer the heart of Android fans and it may gather some significant followers.  Most Android flagships are priced at $800 for the base model, while some phablets like the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 asks for $1000.

With a lower price of $750 for the base model the XR is sure to impress, as it offers the Apple quality and an affordable price.

News Tech

iOS 13 Concept Render of iPad Pro Shows New Changes and Ideas

We expect the iPad Pro to be unveiled next week, but until then we got a concept render showing how the upcoming tablet would shine.


Kevin Eugene, a web developer, produced the design that shows the potential Siri improvements and removal of the home button. In the end, according to him, the tablet could be turned into a multitasking powerhouse.


Eugene published the concept on UX Collective, a Medium blog, and it is based on a redesign referred to as iOS Mogi. He envisioned that, instead of Siri taking up the whole screen, the design will feature an interface capable of sliding in from the right and displays results. This would enable users to keep working and interact with the results, like dragging and dropping a photo into the document they are currently working on, for example.

Rumors becoming reality

The iPad Pro comes with a lot of rumored changes and this idea shows how they could make it more useful. On the 30th of October, in New York, Apple will hold an event during which we expect to see the iPad Pro unveiled. Apparently, it is based on the design of the iPhone X, without a home button, opting for face recognition and a smaller bezel instead.

The current ‘Split View’ could be changed by the swiping interface. From two apps running side-by-side, we will get a ‘flow’ view that allows multiple apps to run side-by-side and the user can move between them by swiping the bottom of the screen.


This feature will use the bottom bar of the iPhone X as a starting point. Users have to swipe up to go back to the home screen and right to move to recently used apps. The iPad will have the bar becoming a scroll bar.

News Tech

iOS 12 Jailbreak – Downgrade from 12.01 Impossible?

To encourage users to stick to the latest firmware, Apple usually stops signing the previous one. After it launched iOS 12 in September, Apple now gave up on it. The latest public update which you can use is iOS 12.0.1; it came with bug fixes and enhanced performance. Also, the update resolved the pestering charging and Wi-Fi issues among others. So, what can jailbreak users do now?

Impossible to downgrade

As we already said, you can’t no longer get the iOS 12 from Apple, meaning that users using the 12.0.1 version can’t downgrade. Average users might not feel affected by this, since the previous one had a lot of issues and the update brought fixes and stability.

However, those that use jailbreaks might prefer downgrades to jailbreak their iPhones. So far, it isn’t possible to use a jailbreak for iOS 12 since no such thing has been made public.


However, there is a possibility sometime in the foreseeable future to get access to a jailbreak, making some users resist the urge of upgrading to the latest version of the iOS. We saw already demos of iOS 12 jailbreak (from Pangu and Luca Todesco), but we couldn’t find out if any of them – or other developers – are willing to make the jailbreak open for the general public.

Hang on

Those still using the iOS 12 and hoping for a potential jailbreak are best advised to resist upgrading to the latest version of the iOS. The reason for that is that, once upgraded, Apple will not allow you to go back to iOS 12.

In the end, it’s up to you

It is entirely your decision and you should choose as you see fit. Consider all the possibilities and what they mean. The new update comes with stability increase and fixes, but once upgrade, you won’t be able to go back.

News Tech

iOS 12 Jailbreak by Luca Todesco Ready with Confirmation on iPhone XS Max

After Apple releases a new version of its iOS, there are always people that expect something else to happen soon. We are talking about people in the jailbreak community and until now they have been waiting for an iOS 12 jailbreak. They waited patiently ever since Apple started beta tests on the software.

What did they look for?

In order for iPhones and iPads to be jailbreaked, developers have to find some exploits. They achieved this through Luca Todesco, a developer renowned for jailbreaking, managing to jailbreak the iOS 12 on an iPhone XS Max. It is especially impressive since this model comes with the A12 Bionic chipset that added extra security measures.

Overcoming restrictions

Luca Todesco tweeted last month that he ‘pwned’ the software, even claiming that he did it from the first try without having to alter the code from his earlier project. This translates into Apple not making any major changes to iOS 12 compared to the beta version.

To support his claim, Todesco also released a video. At the time he said that we have to wait a few weeks for him to share the full details.


Todesco used Twitter again to confirm the reality of the jailbreak. For this, he used his own iPhone XS Max that ran iOS 12. The beta exploit was still relevant on the final build and by doing the jailbreak, he validated the lack of hardware restrictions that were supposed to prevent him from liberating the device.

Besides jailbreaking the phone, Todesco also restored the stock version of iOS 12. He still uses the XS Max, describing it as a ‘damn fine piece of hardware’. He neither confirmed nor denied that he would release the jailbreak to the public. We just have to wait and see.

News Tech

Security Tokens’ Essential Features And Transactions’ Main Requirements

Security tokens are different from utility tokens in a few ways, and the main difference is that security coins have to follow some stringent guidelines regarding who can purchase them and how they are transferred. Nonetheless, for investors looking for enhanced transparency and protection in the long term, securities are the viable option.

Securities transactions require certain regulatory standards before engaging in the process itself. The regulations are the main thing that makes security tokens different from the utility ones. Understanding the complete life cycle of such tokens will help you better understand how transactions take place.

Issuance of securities

This is basically the first coin transaction. Securities are issued in more ways and in most cases, investors acquire them during an STO (security token offering). The platforms that organize STOs integrate all the SEC’s requirements into the token development.


It’s essential to learn that securities meet both Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirements. This is because the legislation requires companies and investors to provide all relevant data regarding the transactions. The standards are common practice in the banking industry for enhanced security and trust.

More than that, unlike an ICO, and STO needs the validation of the investors’ identity. This means that securities cannot be transferred to anonymous or random individuals. All these requirements have led to the development of security coin only exchanges.

Exchanges and custodial wallets

Exchange transfers are another form of transactions. They are different from regular crypto exchanges because there are not anonymous accounts or privacy coins allowed here. The main concern regarding securities is how they’re handled when they’re on exchanges.

Long story short, security exchanges are using special formatted custodial wallets that comply with all requirements and regulations holding securities for clients.

Transactions agents

The complex nature of securities legislation built the perfect opportunity for transfer agents – professionals who help investors transfer their tokens properly.

Security token transactions

This is still a work in progress, and a lot depends on what the SEC decides more about the integration of the crypto market in the financial world. Developers continue to host meetings in order to enhance developments in the security token sector.

You can learn more details and advantages of securities by heading over to

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