News Tech

Cydia Guide Download for iPhone – iOS 12 Unc0ver Jailbreak and iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak

If you are an iOS user and want to break free from Apple’s grip, to change your iPhone or iPad with the best and most extensive selection of apps, go and download Cydia and install it for making the best of your experience using the phone.

But first, maybe you want to know what features Cydia is offering:

  • The first step for enjoying Cydia, you must use jailbreak;
  • You can download tweaks and mods for making your phone to work as you wish;
  • You can download the modified stock app with updated features;
  • You can download a lot of great games with the new features included;
  • You can download screen records, themes, ringtones, emulators;
  • Take note that most of the tweaks are free, but some of them will charge you;

iOS 12 Unc0ver Jailbreak:

  • First of all, update iTunes on your computer and make sure that you have enough battery on your iPhone.
  • Download then the Unc0ver jailbreak .ipa file on your computer;
  • After that download Cydia Impactor and launch Cydia Impactor;
  • Connect your device and after it’s detected open the location of the .ipa file and drag it into Cydia Impactor;
  • Type your Apple ID details, and after that, Cydia Impactor will sign the file;
  • After the process is finished, open IOS Setting – General – Profiles – add the Apple ID or Unc0ver profile – click on Trust – and wait for Delete Disable Siri to appear.
  • Put your phone on Airplane Mode – Reboot – disable your Wi-Fi and keep your Airplane Mode on;
  • After that tap on the Unc0ver icon from your home screen and then tap Jailbreak Your Device;
  • When Cydia icon appears, your device is jailbroken.

For the iOS 11 Electra Jailbreak:

  • Device onto Airplane Mode, disable Siri – Reboot – Airplane mode is still on – Wi-Fi disconnected – Download Electra .ipa to your computer.
  • Use the link from us to Download Cydia Impactor – Plug in your iPhone or iPad into your computer – open Cydia Impactor – wait for the detection of your device – Open the .ipa file – drag and drop the file into Cydia Impactor – type your Apple ID and let the app do its job;
  • After the install – open General – Profile – tap the Electra Trust – wait for the status to change to Delete – Close Settings;
  • Tap the Electra icon and then Jailbreak. After it’s done, you will receive a message that your device has been jailbroken.

If you want to delete Cydia, download Cydia Eraser, Open it – tap Delete All Data and Unjailbreak Device – Delete All – Reboot, and you have your old iOS version.

News Tech

Google Maps Update Download Available with Improved Features from Waze

We already know that Google is trying to improve Google Maps by getting some features from Waze. Since Google owns Waze, it is a simple and smarter move to do that. So the more information we have on Waze or Google Maps, the more and better users will be informed about the traffic ahead and other obstacles. The novelty on Google Maps is the fact that the company wants to use the same approach from Waze.

What New Features We Have on Google Maps from Waze?

If you are a Waze fun and haven’t tried Google Maps, maybe now is the time to give it a shot. Now Google Maps have speed limits, speed traps, reports about your current traffic experience, and warning about traffic and accidents ahead of you.  The incident report feature will be rolling out soon in Google Maps, and you will see it once the feature will be brought to your market.

However, Google Maps is a great navigation tool for public transport and daily needs. The device will give you suggestions about the fastest route to your destination, will provide navigation details about trains or buses in case you need to change them. The newest improvement is the features were Google Maps will tell you if a train or bus has available seats. This will be done with the help of other users, by asking them if the train/bus is crowded or not. Improving Google’s algorithms with this question, it improves your future journey as well.

Also, if we look back to last year, a similar feature has been announced for Sydney, and this will probably be the case to more markets in the future. So far, the feature has started to appear on Android and on iPhone from months ago. Google Maps is sending alerts on various users from different regions of the world, like the US, Europe, and Asia.

News Tech

iOS 12 Jailbreak Is Having Problems Defeating Apple’s iOS 12.2

Having an iPhone has a messy part when you want to liberate your device by jailbreaking it. The problem is that Apple has done its best with the new iOS12.2 version that even the iOS Jailbreak 12 can’t go through the latest update. If you want to be free from Apple’s prison, Jailbreak’s developers are warning you to not update to the new iOS 12.2.

Moreover, it looks that from now it will be hard to bypass Apple’s security, even with the recent iOS Jailbreak 12 Unc0ver App. The developer, pwn20wnd is saying that iOS Jailbreak 12 can be the last working version for iPhone user. The problem is what will happen in the long term? We don’t know if Jailbreak will continue to move forward and try to update and improve its application, or if the users will remain stuck in the iOS 12.2. We don’t know if Apple will continue to improve their security or if they finished for now with the last update. On the other hand, time will prove that even the best protection will remain the best, because if at this moment iOS Jailbreak 12 Unc0ver is the best way to unlock some of Apple’s devices, for sure there may come someone that is going to make an application more advanced.

Also, the developer of iOS Jailbreak 12 Unc0ver is saying that they are working for a fix in the case of the users that can’t benefit from the app. He said that at this moment he’s waiting for an update on Cydia Substrate for arm64e from Saurik. The Unc0ver v3.0.0 is still in beta because pwn20wnd wants to implement full-fledged A12-A12X support before it’s releasing it. His message for users is to have patience, and good things will come for those who wait.

News Tech

Viber Update Available to Download with the Dark Mode and Enhanced Group Voice Calls

One of the latest trends in the app industry is the Dark Mode. This mode has already been introduced by all the most popular apps such as YouTube and Facebook for example. There are many benefits to having a Dark Mode but the most important one is the fact that it makes the app’s UI (user interface) look sleek. Viber is one of the apps that loves to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new features and therefore, the latest update for Viber brings the much-anticipated Dark Mode alongside many other software changes.

Viber Gets Dark Mode

The latest update for Viber sports the version number and it has been recently released. This is a high-priority update for all Viber users because it doesn’t just introduce the cool looking Dark Mode, but it also brings a couple of important enhancements to group voice calls. Nonetheless, the Dark Mode is now available in the Settings panel and all Viber users can enable it if they like how it looks.

What’s great about the Dark Mode is that it doesn’t just look cool, but it also lowers the overall amount of battery power that Viber uses on average. To make things even better, the Dark Mode is also perfect for people who work late night shifts and hate it when the brightness of their smartphone is temporarily blinding them.

Enhanced Group Voice Calls

As previously noted, Viber’s latest update also introduces a couple of software tweaks that enhance the performances of group voice calls. The first change that Viber users are going to notice is that the app now supports up to five participants in group voice calls. This is a big change and it makes it easier for Viber users to share information with their friends and family members.

Games News

Clash Royale Version 2.7.0: Massive Changes and New Features in The April Update

The latest update from Clash Royale was quite massive. Clash Royale Version 2.7.0 was just released this week, and it introduced many changes and a lot of content. Let’s break down the release notes below.

Trophy Road in Clash Royale – the New 1v1 Clash Royale Reward System

The Clash Royale team introduced a new reward system in the game called Trophy Road. It will follow your progress and give you rewards as you win more trophies, also allowing you to speed the progress.

At the end of the League Season, you can collect the rewards again, as the Trophy Road progress will reset. The bad news here is that you won’t get a League Chest because the rewards are won as you progress, and not at the end.

Trophy road will give rewards such as gems, gold, chests, cards, trade tokens, and emotes, and the higher your Trophy count, the better rewards you will get.

Trophy Gate is a new feature that will work as a safety net when you reach a new arena and lose some games. You will remain in the same arena, and for example, if you hit 4,000 Trophies, you won’t drop under the Legendary Arena’s Trophy Gate. You will drop through the rankings though.

Progressing is even faster with Chest Speed Up Boosts which you receive as you reach a new arena. It will unlock 24 hours of Chest Speed Up Boost to prepare for the current arena.

You can also look through the incoming rewards to know what’s coming.

Two new Leagues are available:

Royal Champion – 6,600 Trophies

Ultimate Champion – 7,000 Trophies

The New Card: Earthquake

This card costs 3 Elixir to cast. It is a Rare Spell that does damage over time.

Use it on buildings, as it deals damage to Crown Towers and 400% damage the rest of the buildings. You can also use it as an AoE attack to damage and slow troops on the ground. The spell will only work on ground units, as it only affects whatever stands on the ground.

New Prestige Levels

There are also new Prestige Levels for the following cards: Rocket, Goblin Hut, Knight, Balloon, Zappies, Skeleton Army, Barbarian Hut, Skeleton Barrel, Magic Archer.

The Event Tab

Check out all the events, such as Global Tournaments, Challenges, Limited Time Game Modes, Grand Challenges & Classic Challenges, in a new tab named ‘Event.’

Other Changes

Among the new features, we also got many changes to the UI, some tweaks and additional features which you can check out on the official Clash Royale website.

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