Games News

Pokemon Go July Community Day Event Available with Squirtle from the Animated Show

Pokemon Go fans should be happy to know that Niantic is planning something big for July’s Community Day. The game developer announced that the upcoming Community Day event is going to feature Squirtle which is one of the classic starter Pokemon that players get to choose. To make things even better, Niantic has dropped some hints which point towards the fact that players might even be able to find a special version of Squirtle in the game once the Community Day event starts.

July Community Day Event

Even though Pokemon Go has been out for a long time now, the game developer has managed to keep Pokemon Go fun for players by creating lots of special events. These events give veteran players a reason to keep coming back for more while refreshing Pokemon Go’s gameplay at same time.

Special Squirtle

Nonetheless, Niantic recently announced on Twitter that players who complete all the Field Research Tasks during the July Community Day will be able to encounter a special Squirtle that wears sun glasses. This Squirtle is referring to the classic Pokemon animated show that had a gang of “cool” Squirtles which wore sun glasses at all times.

Moreover, Niantic also announced that a new set of Field Research tasks will become available once the event kicks off and that they will be focused on the Kanto region which is the latest region to be added in the game.

Launch Date

  • North America (11 AM – 2 PM PT);
  • Europe and Africa (10AM – 1PM BST);
  • Asia-Pacific (12PM – 3PM JST).

The event will be available for a limited period of time and players need to try and complete all the field research tasks in those thee hours. Not just that, but players will also benefit from a bunch of limited bonuses such as faster egg hatching time.

Games News

Clash of Clans – Tips and Tricks that Only Veteran Players Know About

Clash of Clans has been out since 2012 and it’s been played by millions of people. However, the game still has lots of undocumented secrets that most players have no idea about! Supercell, the game developer, loves to give players the ability to use special tips and tricks that they need to figure out in order to become the best Clash of Clans in their friends group. With that said, today we are going to present readers with two essential Clash of Clans tips and tricks that only veteran players know about.

Keeping Elixir Safe from Attackers

The Barracks is one of the most basic buildings in the game, but veteran Clash of Clans have lots of special uses for it. While most people use the Barracks to recruit new troops, clever players can use it to keep their Elixir safe from attackers. The way to do this is to queue a large number of troops to train while going offline and the cancel the queue when coming back online. The reason this keeps the Elixir safe is because Clash of Clans doesn’t charge any penalties for canceling troop training.

Enemy Town Hall Level is Important

The main reason why Clash of Clans players want to attack others is to steal resources from them. The only downside to this is that players can never know how much resources they are going to be able to steal. Therefore, attacking a player and stealing a low number of resources is not going to pay off. However, clever Clash of Clans players can take a look at the enemy’s Town Hall level and this will give them an idea of how many resources they can steal. A Town Hall of level 1 will give an 100% modifier for what players can steal while a higher Town Hall of level 3 will give a 150% modifier.

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Games News

Fallout 5 to Be Focused on Single Player

As we all know, Bethesda Game Studios has received the Industry Legend award at the Gamelab’s event this year. After this, the executive producer was asked to do many interviews. In one of those endless interviews, he was asked whether there’s a possibility that multiplayer will make its appearance in all of the BGS games from now on. The executive producer, who is called Todd Howard, said that this is not in the plan, as for all of those games, they want to keep the single player. He also said that that’s their only focus right now. However, he also said that if there were any new social aspect, we’d find out as soon as possible. But until then, they have their own things to take care of.

Are they still using Gamebryo?

Howard, who is also the game designer and a very respected programmer, has dismissed the idea that Bethesda Game Studios would still be using the old engine. He said that the Gamebryo was not used in over a decade, and that there are other various parts that can be used instead of the engine. He talked about how every technology of the game improved. For example, Fallout 76 comes with a new renderer, a new landscape generation tool, even a new lighting system. Starfield will also get new changes, just as Elder Scrolls VI and many others will, too.

About Fallout 76

Fallout 76 will be released on the 14th of November, and its improvements start with the detection of an enemy AI. He said that every aspect should be better, from the graphics, to the controls, the enemy AI, the gunplay and the overlapping quests. They tried so many things with Fallout 4, that they know how to work to improve Fallout 76 adequately.

Games News

Fortnite Season 5 Battle Royale Release Date

Not long ago, Epic Games has revealed the release date of the 5th season of Fortnite: Battle Royale. It all happened on Reddit. They stated in a post that the 5th season would start on the 12th of July, at 4 AM EDT, 6 PM AET, 9 AM BST, 1 AM PDT. They’re also helping people to unlock the remaining Battle Pass rewards from the 4th season – they’re going to give double XP for the matches that will take place from the 29th of June till the 2nd of July.

There’s a new mode

When talking about the new season, we talk about a new mode for Fortnite, which is a part of the latest update, called the Playground LTM. It represents a private server that it’s meant for players to experiment on. It was designed to let games to jump in and improve some new strategies, or even sharpen the old ones. You can only have access if you’ve received an invitation, and if you do, you can do all of these things without having an enemy on your back.

In this latest update, we’ll also find Dual Pistols, the 4th part of the Blockbuster Event, map makers and the Builder Pro controller layout. Maybe even more. As of late, week nine challenges are also available.

Its popularity is still growing

It’s incredible that Fortnite kept its popularity after all these times, and we can all see the success in the physical copies of the games that are still selling in significant numbers. The disc versions of the game are not available anymore in the markets, but you can find them, for example, on E-bay, but the prices can come up to $100-200, some even for more than $450.

Games News

Summer Games Done Quick 2018: Five More Events

There are five more events until the Summer Games Done Quick 2018 will meet its end. 18 hours to go. The last game that is going to run is puwexil in Final Fantasy 6. There are also other runs, which will have a six-player race (which means two teams formed of three players) for Super Mario Maker – here, the games have no clue what’s going to happen next.

So far, Summer Games Done Quick 2018 has reached about $1.2 million for Doctors Without Borders. This is with $500 less than the total gathered last year. But we still have half a day to go through and we still have a $150,000 bounty still pending. If we reach this, it will replace the final setup block with a run of  Super Mario Odyssey, brought by NicroVeda. As we all know, NicroVeda was, just up until three days ago, the one that held the world record in the category and game.

There still are other bonus challenges that are still open and that include a Final Fantasy 6 run, which allows GDQ staffer Sumichu to do the famous area of the game.

We present now a list of the events from the final show, that’s going to last until 3:03 a.m tomorrow morning.

12:11 p.m: eddaket in New Super Mario Bros. 2

1:21 p.m: SnowieY101 in Undertale

3:16 p.m: Carl Sagan, grandpoobear, GlitchCat7, failstream, jaku and Cliffy in Super Mario Maker

4:56 p.m: Runnerguy2489 takes on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

6:36 p.m: NicroVeda in Super Mario Odyssey (if the donation goal is met).

7:53 p.m: puwexil in Final Fantasy 6

3:03 a.m: Summer Games Done Quick, this is the final show, where we’re going to take a look at the best moments and runs, even friendships that were made here, at this event.

As far as we know, Awesome Games Done Quick 2019 will come to us in January.

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