Games News

Pokemon Go’s Dortmund Safari Zone: What We Know so Far

Right now, three significant events are happening for Pokemon Go. Among them is the Safari Zone in Dortmund, in Germany, which is by far the most popular one. It caught so well with the people, that it crashed the game.

Our advice is not to use the Incence, because it can cause the crash, and you won’t be able to enter the game or play.

Global Research Challenge

This new event is a big part of the Global Research Challenge, a challenge where gamers are asked to do things. The exciting thing is that they have to do it locally, at the very events, and in the whole world to unlock different prizes.

Asia-Pacific and Dortmund already did their part. There’s still those who are in the Safari Zone – there are 50,000 of tasks, which can unlock 3x catch XP globally. Let’s give a round of applause for  Asia, which did about 5 million tasks, which gave them luck eggs that last for one hour.

Let’s see what America can do. We have to do 5 million tasks, and the game has 145 million active players, so how hard can it be? Let’s not forget that Asia hit this goal in half of the hour. So, if we are to do some math, if even less than 5% does its task, globally, we could make it. If America also reaches its goal, it’s going to get hatch XP. If Africa and Europe do it, too, that means bonus raid XP.

But what’s the reason behind all of this? Rumor has it, there will be a vast unlock on the 7th of July, one that Nintendo has talked about, even if the gamers did not reach the goal just yet. From what they’re saying, the return of Articuno is the big prize, and it will last for 3 hours. During these 3 hours, Articuno will be the one to have a chance to shine finally.

Games News

Borderlands 3 Leaks and Release Date Rumors

The E3 2018 is over, but during the event, participants didn’t hear any announcement concerning the Borderland 3 game release date. Even so, gamers are still hoping that it will come soon, especially because recent rumors mention some of the game’s features. Under these circumstances, we can understand why people are so anxious to get their hands on Borderland 3.

The game hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, but reliable sources claim that it exists more or less. One of the first persons who talked about more games from the Borderland series was Gearbox’s CEO himself.

During a panel from the PAX East 2016, Randy Pitchford confirmed the developer’s intention to release more Borderlands. He continued by adding that the next episode could receive a different name, leaving enough space for speculations. Who knows, maybe they will call it FPS?

What’s the story behind the game?

It looks like Gearbox is planning to keep the same characters and design for future Borderlands versions. However, in case it’s him, the psycho bandit needs a new scenario, so now the developers want to hire a new writer who can create an emerging, but at the same funny script.

Will there be new characters and different gameplay features?

Unfortunately, we cannot predict anything concerning the possible characters, but we could have the possibility to meet a grown-up figure of Tiny Tina. However, we do know that Rhys and Fiona are two characters which need to make their debut in the Borderland series, so they could be included in the story.

Other news are connected with the potential visual upgrade. According to GDC 2017, we know that we should expect a boost for lighting tech, shadows and outlining the edge. Of course, Borderlands’ comic-book art style won’t be left aside, so we will see it in the 3rd version of the game as well.

Is there an estimated release date?

With all the information we found out, we still don’t have any clue regarding the Borderlands 3 release date. If we were to anticipate, we could say that we might see the game for the first time in the period between October 2018 and September 2019.

Games News

Clash Royale Major Update Download Available – New Emotes, Buffed Chests and Big Ladder Changes

One of the best things about being a Clash Royale fan is that you never know what Supercell is going to include in the next update. The developer is currently working on a major “June 2018” update and it’s scheduled to come out during the upcoming days. Even though Supercell wants the update’s contents to take fans by surprise, the game developer decided to give fans a sneak preview of what’s to come.

Updated Emotes

Clash Royale fans should be happy to know that Supercell is going to make it easier for them to communicate with their friends and enemies through emotes. The game developer announced that Clash Royale’s upcoming update will introduce twelve new emotes which feature goblins and princesses!

The new emotes are going to be available in the in-game shop they can be purchased in packs of four for the price of $3. In addition, players can bundle which four emotes they like the most in one pack. Another great change that Supercell is going to introduce to the way emotes work is a special tab which will appear next to the Battle Decks tab.

Chests and Extra Gold (Big Buffs)

Supercell knows that Clash Royale fans love nothing more than getting huge rewards when opening Golden Chests. Therefore, the game developer has announced that players will receive more rewards after the new update arrives because it will buff chests to give extra gold.

Ladder Update

Bangs and Seth are two of the most famous Clash Royale developers and one of the reasons why people love them so much is because they drop hints about upcoming features. The two developers recently did a podcast where they let listeners know that league matchmaking is going to receive some changes. Not just that, but the game will drop more Legendaries than ever!

Games News

Clash Royale Update – Top Three Troops That Everyone Must Have in Their Deck

There are many things that separate good players from great players, but the most important one is the decks they build. Having a strong deck is necessary to complete any mode in Clash Royale and players need to create decks that have cards which synergize with each other. The first thing Clash Royale players are required to know is that the game features three basic type of cards: spells, buildings and troops. Learning how to combine these cards will help players destroy any foe!

Today we are going to give Clash Royale a little help when it comes to creating strong decks. We will present the top troop cards that players need to get and to include them in their decks. In addition, this card guide is directed towards new players who want to get the upper hand on veterans.

Skeleton Army

What better way to start than with the Skeleton Army? This is a troop type of card and it’s essential to any Clash Royale deck. Skeleton Army is a low-cost mob that excels at wearing down enemies. On the downside though, this troop is weak against Princess Towers, King’s Tower and Arrows.

Ice Wizard

If you ask any Clash Royale veteran player what is the best card in the game they will tell you that it’s the Ice Wizard. The reason why the Ice Wizard is held in such a high regard is because it costs only three Elixir and it does lots of damage. Not just that, but the Ice Wizard is ideal for counter-pushes and stalling incoming attacks.

Hog Rider

The Hog Rider is the most popular card in the game and everyone has it in their deck. What’s great about the Hog Rider is that it’s available right from the very first Arena and newbies can get it without any effort. The Hog Rider costs four Elixir and it destroys enemy towers. However, the Hog Rider doesn’t attack enemy troops! Only buildings.

Games News

Metro Exodus is the Best Half-Life 3 We Will Ever Get

Even though Half-Life 3 might not be coming out any time soon, Metro Exodus might be the perfect alternative for it. The folks at 4A Games who are in charge of the Metro franchise didn’t shy away from saying that Half-Life 2 was their main inspiration for the upcoming game and that we are going to see a bunch of similarities between the two titles.

Metro Exodus Half-Life 2 Inspiration

The developers are saying that they love what Valve did with the Half-Life franchise and they want their games to feature a similar fun adventure. The thing that 4A Games “took” from Half-Life 2 was the linear storytelling and cinematic presentations, something which Valve is known for. Nonetheless, Metro Exodus’s developers are saying that the game will bring “the era of the best single-player games in years”.

Open World Version of Half-Life 2

Truth be told, Metro Exodus is quite different from Half-life 2. The only similarity between the two games is that Metro Exodus seems to be an open world version of Half-Life 2. Even though Half-Life 2 might be a huge inspiration for Metro Exodus, 4A Games wanted to give fans a “unique” game and that’s why they designed their own never-seen before weapons.

Not just that, but Metro Exodus also introduced a map system which makes it easier for players to figure out where they need to go next, thus adding to the open world feel to the game. Metro Exodus features a map that is filled with icons and NPCs which are guiding players in their missions.

Although, players are the ones who get to decide if they want to follow the path set out by the developers or explore the world and figure it out by themselves. This kind of feature is what makes an open world game amazing.

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