News Tech

What You Need to Know About Mobile App Reinstalls & Retargeting

Think about your most-used mobile device for a second: There’s probably a significant difference between what its home screen looked like a year ago—assuming you’ve had it that long—and now. There’s likely even a difference between what it looked like a month or week ago and now. And no, we aren’t talking about the adorable wallpaper of your pet you like to change out every season.

The point is that mobile devices are not static. Just because you downloaded an app recently doesn’t mean you’ll keep it. People delete apps all the time for reasons ranging from boredom to dwindling storage space. Some apps sit “on the shelf” forever after installation, gathering dust. Others come and go within a matter of hours. Some people may install and uninstall the same app dozens of times over the course of their relationship with it.

Installing an app is not a one-time behavior—so why should marketing be? Here’s what you need to know about mobile app reinstalls and retargeting.

Many App Installs Are Actually Reinstalls

Recent data shows that almost 30 percent of app downloads in North America were reinstalls, and that figure was even higher for certain categories. As eMarketer cites, apps that fulfill a “short-term need” like travel and dating apps had even higher rates of reinstallation, as did gaming apps.

There are many reasons people might participate in an install-delete-reinstall cycle. Sometimes users hope a new version will work better than an old one did. Other times, people download an app when they need it then delete it to free up precious storage space. Yet others just want to give an app another try.

Whatever the reasoning, reinstalls represent a significant portion of installs. App marketers cannot afford to overlook these installs as they’re strategizing on how to best attract engaged users.

Strategies for Re-Engaging Mobile Users

Don’t just sit back and wait for mobile users to decide to reinstall your app, though. You can play an active role in driving reengagement through retargeting marketing.

One strategy for doing so is serving re-engagement ads to unengaged users, or those who installed your app before going dormant or deleting it. The benefit here is that you have mobile user demographic and behavioral information off of which to personalize these ads. You can customize retargeting ads to reflect the last action someone took before disengaging, urging them to re-engage with a relevant call-to-action.

Let’s say a customer downloaded an ecommerce app, browsed a number of product listings and added a jacket to their shopping cart before closing the app. Any number of things can distract a mobile user when they’re not actively perusing an app. The difference between a sale and no sale, in this case, might just be reminding the customer they were considering purchasing the jacket. So, you can serve them an ad so personalized it shows the actual jacket they added to their cart along with a CTA like “take another look” or “shop now” or “get this style.” This is possible because programmatic ads are assembled in real time to reflect the demographics and behaviors of the mobile user viewing them.

The same principle applies if you’re marketing a travel app. If a user looked up flights to Paris, you can show them an ad advertising cheap flights to Paris as a means of getting them re-engaged. This is more effective than showing a generic ad or showing them an ad for cheap flights to Tokyo.

Thinking in Terms of Customer Lifetime Value

Last but not least, think in terms of customer lifetime value. Installation is only the beginning of your relationship with a mobile user. Retargeting users helps drive retention and revenue by getting people back into your funnel.

At the end of the day, understanding the nature of mobile app reinstalls and retargeting will help you effectively re-engage lapsed users.

Crypto Markets News

Bitcoin (BTC) Futures Contracts Postponed By Bakkt Until January 24th, 2019

Bakkt postponed the Bitcoin (BTC) futures contracts announced by the company for December 12th to January 24th, 2019, as reported by the US brokerage Intercontinental Exchange, also known as ICE. The company, an alliance between Microsoft, Starbucks and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), said through its CEO that over the past few months they have worked on their product, which has resulted in “critical new features to support our offer, so I wanted to provide an update on what is in flight.

“Given the volume of interest in Bakkt and the work required to put all the parts in place, we will now have our sights set on January 24th, 2019, for our launch to ensure that our participants are ready to trade on Day 1. As is often the case with product launches, there are new processes, risks and mitigating factors to test and retest, and in the case of cryptocurrency, a new asset class to which these resources apply,
” said Kelly Loeffler, Bakkt CEO.

Among the announcements made by the company, it can also be mentioned that it is considering adding new contracts linked to other cryptocurrencies, although for that they will wait for the evolution of the crypto market and the opinion of their customers. In addition to that, they would offer services related to cryptos that will also include insurance for the cold storage of Bitcoin (BTC).

Bitcoin (BTC) Futures Contracts Postponed By Bakkt Until January 24th, 2019

For its part, ICE said in its statement that “will list the new daily Bitcoin (BTC) futures contract for negotiation on Thursday, January, 24th, 2019, as a subject to approval by the regulator.” In this regard, the brokerage firm explained that the contracts would be 1 BTC in exchange for US dollars.

On August 7th, news portal announced that the ICE Bitcoin (BTC) futures contracts, through Bakkt, would be the first such instruments settled in BTC in the United States and that they will be delivered to the conventional asset market. That makes a difference to the other Bitcoin (BTC) products offered by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (Cboe), which liquidate BTC futures in cash.

At this point, it is important to mention that the regulatory body related to these contracts is the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). In October of this year, they announced that, on December 12th, the trading of these Bitcoin (BTC) futures contracts would begin with a daily monetary exchange after the close of the market.

Games News

The Sims 5 Should Come With An Improved Version of the Game

It seems like the ‘Customer is King’ policy might not be taken in consideration by all companies. There are two possibilities: many companies are visibly doing a change following the costumer’s needs and some companies are taking in considerations the feedback but do not admit it.

This link between the costumer’s needs and feedback and the companies are important in the game industry as well. In order to get your game in the top most popular to play, you need to keep up the evolution of it. To add more feature, new characters, improve the quality.

The Sims game hit a successful evolution in the industry, supported by the firms EA and Maxis. These companies took in consideration the players suggestions and opinions and changed the game as they wished. We are talking about the new version The Sims 5.

Until now, all we know is that the game is in the work progress. Nobody confirmed any released data; there are only rumors and speculations. The passionate players from the Sims community estimated the release of the game in 2020 and the teaser and announcement next year.

From the costumer’s point of view, the game can suffer different changes and there are two possible versions of the game to go. In one version, the glitches or the am that cannot be solved or progressed are removed and just a work in the bug problems. The second idea for the game is to come up with new features such a fresh location, clothes, cars and so on.

It is a big possibility that EA changed the Sims 5 giving the players a better experience. New aspects such as the houses new physical appearances, such as hair, face, eyes accessories or colors.

News Tech

11-inch iPad Pro vs. 12.9-inch iPad Pro: Place Them Side By Side

Apple’s latest iPads managed to capture our attention. These devices managed to bring some well-needed enhancements to the iPad line. One of the biggest changes was represented by the transition from Touch ID to Face ID authentication.

Two different iPad models were released this year, the 12.9-inch iPad Pro and the 11-inch iPad Pro. The size is not the only thing that makes these tablets different. While it is true that there aren’t major differences, they are worth mentioning.

11-inch iPad Pro versus 12.9-inch iPad Pro

The first obvious difference between these two is the display. The 12.9-inch iPad Pro has a 12.9-inch display (obviously), and 2732×2048 pixel at 264 pixels per inch. Meanwhile the 11-inch iPad Pro comes with a 11 inches display, 2388×1668 pixels at 264 pixels per inch. Both tablets have True Tone display, and wide colour display.

If we move to the cameras we can see that they are identical. Both the 11-inch iPad Pro and the 12.9-inch iPad Pro comes with a 7 MP 1080p HD front camera, and a 12 MP, 4k HD camera with Quad-LED True Tone flash on their rear side.

The weight is also slightly different. Since the 12.9-inch iPad Pro is larger, it also weighs more, 631 grams. Meanwhile the 11-inch iPad Pro weights 468 grams. The size is also different. The 11-inch iPad measures 247.6 mm x 178.5 mm x 5.9 mm, while the 12.9-inch iPad Pro has 280.6 mm x 214.9 mm x 5.9 mm.

Both iPad Pro tablets have 4 speakers. They also come with Apple Pencil version 2 support, Face ID, Smart Connector and USB-C. They also share the same processor, the A12X Bionic with Neural Engine, and they are both available in Space Grey or Silver.

News Tech

iOS 12 Jailbreak to Be Released Publicly Soon

We’ve all known how Apple released its new software, when iOS 12 went public on September 2018. Many people were excited to upgrade to the latest version, but some asked themselves if it’s really worth it.

Most of the users are convinced that they are able to jailbreak the new operating system. There have been months now, but finally, the wait is over.

A researcher who goes by the name @SorryMyBad, who’s part of the 360 Vulcan security team will release the iOS 12.1 or 12.0 exploit.

It will happen soon

We’ve been here when another report made its appearance saying that another famous developer, whose name is Kudima (also known as BigD) offered a WebKit RCE that could exploit to the GitHub repository –this meant that the iOS 12 jailbreak would have happened soon. Many tried to jailbreak their phones in the previous weeks, but most of them realized that the exploits which were released were not to use, because they were PoCs, or simply restricted to SandBox or Mobile-owned processes.

We’ve heard that @SorryMyBad’s exploits are the best ones, and that they can be used directly in a jailbreak, if they worked for post-exploitation like Electra or Unc0ver. Also, for Osiris Jailbreak. @S0rryMyBad received an award at TianfuCup 2018 for all of its success on iPhone X, when it came to exploiting a type confusion JIT bug in Safari, and also for a UaF bug in the iOS Kernel.

Despite the fact that there are many odds, most of the developers did their best to have an iOS 12 jailbreak. However, this is quite hard, since the public release was set in place. Many developers hope to be able to give us a jailbreak for this new software soon enough.

Apple is also doing its best to make the new software hard to jailbreak, as they added solid security improvements, and they also included the production of a CoreTrust system, which actually guarantees that there are Apple-certified.

Luca Todesco, a very famous Yalu developer said sometime in the past that we should not lose our hope just yet, as the iOS 12 jailbreak followed his hacked demos for the software.

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