News Tech

Google Maps Update Download Available with Location Sharing Improvements

Google Maps is one of the apps that are used all around the globe. In 2017 it enabled us to share our location almost in real time with those close to us (as in family and friends, not necessarily in the proximity of us). Switch the calendar to our time and right now Google Maps made it possible to share not just where you are but also how much battery you have left on your phone.

Of course, you might wonder why it is so important to know the battery status of someone. Well, ponder a bit upon it. There are many apps that are capable of sharing location. However, when you run out of battery, those apps are rendered useless, sitting in wait until you are able to reconnect. That’s when you start to worry about your friend and wonder if they don’t have signal, maybe they lost their phone or perhaps someone has stolen it.

That’s why it may be incredibly useful and mind assuring to see someone’s battery status along with their location. When you see that your friend’s phone is about to die, you at least know what are the reason for his sudden silence.

We knew since February that this change on Google Maps was coming. We owe thanks to those at AndroidPolice that spotted this update in the Google Maps APK teardown available then. Since then, more and more people spotted this change on their app, although only now it will be available for almost everyone. Back then there were people who only saw this battery status notification when its level was low.

While it is a completely useful update, Google isn’t the first company to have thought of this. Zenly, who was recently bought by Snapchat, changed its app to include a similar feature all the way back in 2016.

News Tech

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Dual Cameras Leaks and Rumors

Honestly, at his point ‘leak’ and ‘marketing’ might intertwine. On its website, Samsung made it known that soon enough you will be able to preorder the Galaxy Note 9. The page simply says ‘Say hello to super power’ and in an age when everyone is obsessed by superheroes it may just be a great piece of copywriting.

Samsung invites us to preorder the Note 9 so that we would be among the first to ‘experience it’. We aren’t sure if this is a leak, as the page still exists but the Note 9 wasn’t even officially announced. It isn’t the first time we go through this with Samsung as it became a habit for this company to have its new products leaked.

From what we gathered by looking at the photo, Note 9 looks similar to the Samsung Galaxy Note 8. It shows a headphone jack, dual cameras in the back, a USB – Charger port and a fingerprint sensor. Unfortunately, the photo shows only the back of the phone, on a blue background, with a yellow stylus on top.

A week ago, Samsung ‘mistakenly’ released a new Galaxy watch device on its site. We don’t know for sure if it was by accident, although the product was removed from the website soon after the media got a hold of this information.

With a day left before launching the Samsung Galaxy S9, another leakage happened. This time, the entire video that displayed the device’s characteristics was released to the public, allowing anyone to find out about the phone’s features. Samsung isn’t the only company that is overly anxious with its marketing.

Apple did something similar before launching the iPhone 7. Just as the event was starting, the company’s Twitter account announced the product, along with providing preorder info which might’ve stole their own thunder.

News Tech

Surface Go 2018 Brings in Mixed Reviews

Just recently, Microsoft released Surface Go, its 10-inch tablet that costs almost $400. The press managed to get its hands on Mircrosoft’s most recent product and this resulted in reviews with mixed feelings.

Go is the smaller version of Surface Pro, Microsoft’s previous tablet which could turn into a laptop. However, Surface Go is smaller in terms of display (10 inches), it comes with a dual-core processor which might feel slower, smaller storage (64 Gb) and a battery life of 9 hours. However, what might seem as a shortcoming, to others might feel like a bless in disguise and that’s because of the price.

As opposed to the Surface Pro that came with a $799 price tag, Surface Go costs only $399. Besides the smaller price, Go manages to keep most of Surface’s characteristics. It has a variable position, cameras with face recognition (8 megapixels in the rear and 5 in the front), Surface Connect allows for magnetic charging and its multitouch screen comes with the possibility of using the Surface Pen as well.

In order to make the price lower, Surface had to let go of some of its performance and battery life. Besides this, Microsoft has done it again and made a solid product. The Type Cover keyboards are a recent addition which has been generally well-liked by its users. On the other hand, because of its shrunk-down size it gained some reviews that could be improved in the future.

Since we brushed a bit on this subject, let’s expand a bit. Some publications say just ‘no!’ to buying Surface Go, be it because of its small size of poor performance (as they judge it). Others, however, feel that, as far as an affordable computer goes, Go is as good as it can get.

News Tech

GBWhatsApp Update – How to Access New and Hidden WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the best chatting app in the world, but what if I told you that it can get even better? GBWhatsApp is a special mod for WhatsApp that adds a lot more features. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to find out that GBWhatsApp is highly popular in the Android community. However, there are still some people who don’t know about it and today we are going to present them with a step-by-step guide on how to install GBWhatsApp on their Android-powered smartphones.

How to Install GBWhatsApp

  • Download the latest APK version of GBWhatsApp from an official APK website;
  • Access the Settings panel and enable the “unknown sources” feature;
  • Install the app by double tapping on the previously downloaded APK file;
  • Run the app and enter your personal phone number (this also requires region and area code);
  • GBWhatsApp will send a text message a notification that contains the OTP code;
  • All that’s left now is to introduce the OTP code and enjoy GBWhatsApp’s features.

Smartphone Hardware Requirements

  • GBWhatsApp runs on rooted/non-rooted Android smartphones;
  • Operating System: Android 4.0 or higher;
  • Free Storage Space: 37.14MB;

As we can clearly see, GBWhatsApp doesn’t require any special hardware specs or Google’s latest operating system. Therefore, everyone can install GBWhatsApp on top of WhatsApp and enjoy all the new features that this mod has to offer.

Highlight Features

  • GBWhatsApp lets users revoke multiple messages at the same time;
  • WhatsApp will now feature a special DND (do not disturb) mode;
  • Send longer voice messages without having to touch the voice icon;
  • New Payment features via registered bank accounts;
  • Lots of new emojis.

We only went over a couple of the highlight features that GBWhatsApp adds to the original version of WhatsApp. However, GBWhatsApp introduces a bunch of other cool features that make it easier for users to express themselves using WhatsApp.

News Tech

Dead Space 4 in the Works? Visceral Games is Not Busy with Star Wars: Battlefront Anymore

Just like Half-Life 3, there is a high demand for Dead Space 4 and a lack of interest from the developers. Although, the real reason why Dead Space 4 is not already available on the market is that the folks who are in charge of the franchise are having some problems. Visceral Games is the company that developed the Dead Space franchise and it kept promising that a new title is going to arrive sooner than expected. Unfortunately, Visceral Games is owned by EA and EA tasked the game developer to create the latest Star Wars: Battlefront instead of Dead Space 4.

When Will Dead Space 4 Arrive?

Now that Star Wars: Battlefront has been released, Visceral Games might be open to start a new project. Frank Gibeau who is an executive at EA has said that the company is interested in making a new Dead Space game, but that it needs to have an audience of at least five million people for EA to start investing.

Rumor has it that EA will not require an audience so large anymore since the company has been having lots of issues with fans and it needs to make a game to earn the fans trust once again. Gaming communities all throughout the web have vowed to not pre-order any EA games. Therefore, EA could create Dead Space 4 in order to get fans behind its brand.

Glen Schofield Leaves Visceral Games

Glen Schofield used to be one of the lead developers at Visceral Games, but he left to start his own company. Knowing that Dead Space 3 is the biggest game the developer has worked on and that there is a high demand for Dead Space 4, Glen Schofield might be the one to bring Dead Space 4 to life. On the downside, there is no official confirmation from the developer and we need to wait more until Dead Space 4 gets confirmed.

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