News Tech

Samsung Galaxy A7 vs. OnePlus 3T – Immersive Media Experience or Faster Hardware Power, You Choose

Apple and Samsung keep launching new high-end flagship devices every year and while these smartphones might be amazing, they are quite expensive. Take Apple’s latest iPhone X for example which comes with a price tag of over $1,000. Not everyone is willing to pay that much for a smartphone and here is where mid-ranged devices come in.

Galaxy A7 vs OnePlus 3T

Today we are going to pin Galaxy A7 and OnePlus 3T against each other in order to see which one wins. The reason we are doing this is that both smartphones are renowned for their hardware power, innovative features and affordable prices.

Display Technology

Samsung is known for equipping its smartphones with only the best displays available on the market. Therefore, Galaxy A7 ships with a massive 5.7-inches panel that uses the latest Super AMOLED technology which puts out a pixel resolution of 1080 x 1920. On the other hand, we have OnePlus 3T that comes with a smaller panel of 5.5-inches that uses Optic AMOLED technology. Moreover, OnePlus 3T’s panel delivers the same pixel resolution as Galaxy A7.

Hardware Specs

Leaving the display aside, the CPU is the hardware part that matters the most. Galaxy A7 is fueled by an Exynos 7880 octa-core CPU that clocks at 1.9GHz. Hardware performance is the part where OnePlus 3T shines the most because it features a Qualcomm quad-core Snapdragon 821 CPU that clocks at 2.35GHz. Furthermore, OnePlus 3T’s CPU is paired with 6GB of RAM while Galaxy A7’s CPU features only 3GB.

Final Words

From the looks of it, the two smartphones are close equals. Galaxy A7 is the one which takes the cake when it comes to display technology and immersive media viewing experience while OnePlus 3T is the ideal smartphone for people who love a faster hardware performance.

News Tech

The New iPad Pro will Feature Bezels but There’s no Sign of a Notch

There has been some recent information which surfaced about the upcoming iPad Pro. Apparently, it will feature bezel of ultra-thin quality which is similar to the ones present on the iPhone X. However, the notch won’t be present, as far as we know. There has been an iOS 12 icon recently on the news which informs us about how the tablet’s design will look like.

Expect it to come with thinner border lines that will also be more uniform and the front camera will be present at the top of the tablet. The presence of this icon in the news reminds us of a leak concerning the iPhone X design which appeared to be similar in terms of looks. While we can’t consider this icon a leak per-se, it still is to be trusted.

There are also some voices that speak about how Apple will most likely opt for a bezel-free design for the iPad Pro, so you can expect anything. As opposed to how the iPhone X icon looked like, the one which shows the iPad Pro offers a clear indication about how Apple chose to not include a notch in its design.

Some people out there consider that Apple will also opt for including a FaceID feature which will allow you to authenticate and use the tablet. The missing of the notch could be blamed on the less granular detail present on the tablet which might not leave enough room. Another possibility would be the fact that the bezels featured on the tablet aren’t as thin as the ones present on the iPhone X.

And finally, some heartbreak. You shouldn’t expect this tablet to feature a 3.5mm headphone jack because it is probably won’t be there.

Crypto News Tech

PowerGhost Is An Innovative Crypto Mining Malware, Mostly Targeting Corporate Networks

Unauthorized crypto mining malware recently discovered by Kaspersky Labs is affecting corporate networks worldwide. The computer security firm said that so far the most affected countries by this virus are India, Brazil, Colombia, and Turkey. The cryptojacking malware was named PowerGhost because of the difficulty of detecting it, an advantageous feature for unauthorized mining malware.

The firm’s experts described that, once it is sneaked onto the victim’s device, it accentuates its privileges through vulnerabilities in the operating system and begins to mine cryptocurrencies in the background.

Among the countries with the highest incidence of this virus attack are Brazil and India, with 200 to 290 users affected, followed by Colombia and Turkey, where between 110 and 200 users were infected, according to SecureList data.

Like any other crypto mining malware, PowerGhost uses processing power from infected devices and uses it to decipher the puzzle that validates a block of transactions with cryptos. This process, known as cryptojacking, requires a large number of computational resources and can cause overheating and lag the affected devices.

PowerGhost crypto mining malware is mostly focusing on corporate networks

In this particular case, the virus seems to be focused on corporate networks, so it also attacks server performance and accelerates wear and tear, generating replacement costs.

Kaspersky Labs warns that, compared to most malware of this type, PowerGhost is more difficult to detect because of it doesn’t need any files to work. That means it does not download malicious files to the devices it infects, making it easier to operate without being noticed.

Moreover, experts identified a version of this crypto mining malware that contains a tool for DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks which can paralyze networks and servers.

A technical analysis of this malware published by Secure List shows that cybercriminals are using increasingly sophisticated techniques to achieve their goals. They believe that the devs of PowerGhost went further by using “file-less” techniques to deploy the cryptojacking software on their victims’ systems.

It seems that the growing popularity and the increasing prices of cryptocurrencies have made cybercriminals to innovate new malicious crypto mining software. As the data shows, the cryptojacking malware programs are gradually replacing the ransomware Trojans.

News Tech

Leaks Reveal the Date of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Release

Samsung is planning on canceling the production on Samsung Note further on.  Note’s 9 won’t spike up the sales for the Korean company this year. But if you still want to buy the Note 9 you can do it starting August 24.  A poster has been leaked by KT Telecom in Samsung’s home country. KT Telecom accidentally published a promotional poster announcing the date in which Galaxy Note 9 will go on sale. KT Telecom is the largest carrier in South Korea covering more than 50% of the market.

Also, this news doesn’t come free of implication: lunch dates from US and European countries are usually closed to the date in which Samsung launches the new Galaxy Note in South Korea.

Samsung is pushing to launch Galaxy Note earlier this year, since they’ve already confirmed the launch event which will take place August 9th.  A couple of months ago in the second quarter earnings Samsung said there will be “an early introduction of the Galaxy Note”, but refused to give an exact date.

If we look at the bright side, customers can get their hands on the new Galaxy Note 9 faster than expected. Also, Samsung is preparing the ground for Galaxy S10, which will be released as the 10th anniversary model.

These are not the only plans Samsung has prepared for this year, there are other plans much expensive and probably much more exciting.

Galaxy Note 9 cannot deliver the sales figures Samsung needs to cover the costs for Galaxy Note – lack of improvements regarding design, cancellation of key features and of course the high price. Samsung is faithful to its long-time philosophy “bigger is better” offering for the new model multiple sizeable upgrades and of course it comes with the promise that the battery is going to be a game changer.

News Tech

iOS 11.4.1 Fixed Exploit to be Presented this September

We know that everyone in the jailbreaking community is waiting impatiently for new updates about the iOS 11.4.1 jailbreak. We have some news for you and it’s about exploiting CVE-2018-4280, which is fixed in iOS 11.4.1.

What’s new

Just recently, on July 30th, a new message was posted on Twitter by a graduate from Stanford, Brandon Azad, who mentioned that he will be talking about “Crashing to root: How to escape the iOS sandbox using abort()” in September, at the beVX Conference. Azad studied Computer Science with the main emphasis on Systems and Security. Based on the announcement that he made, one month from now he will be giving us some details about how to exploit the CVE-2018-4280, fixed in iOS 11.4.1, by crashing it so that privileges will be elevated, codesigning will be defeated, and also in order to “spawn a shell on iOS 11.2.6.”

When should we expect the conference?

The beVX Conference, an event that is held annually, will take place between 20th and 21st of September this year, in Hong Kong, at the Marco Polo Hotel. Some of the main subjects that will be discussed at the event are complex exploitation techniques, reverse engineering, as well as vulnerability discovery. As we can easily see, the focus of the conference is mainly on technical offensive topics.

What else will happen at the event taking place in the fall?

Other than Azad, there will be other guests present at the conference that will give talks as well, such as Julian Rauchberger and Tobias Dam, Vitaly Nikolenko, Niklas Baumstark, Luat Nguyen and Sheng-Hao. However, these are only few of those who will be attending the event in September. There’s still a lot of time left until then, which means that we should soon have more names to add to the list of presenters. This will give us more topics to look forward to.

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