News Tech

Best Ambigram Generators For Every Graphic Designer

Every graphic designer knows the importance of Ambigrams. You can use them to personalize almost every creation and give a different meaning to common definitions. This typographical technique is also useful for creating logos and turning good website presentations into awesome ones.

However, Ambigrams are not easy to design. As most users know, words are written in a modality which allows viewers to read them from many viewpoints. In this case, they can send a different message or the same one. Since the process is not easy, typographical experts will charge a lot of money for creating Ambigrams.

Free Ambigram generators define your style fast and easy

If you think that an Ambigram would mean added value for your project, but you cannot afford or are not willing to pay for it, the unexpected help comes from the Internet. Here you will find free Ambigram generators that you can use even if you are not an expert.

Let’s see which the most popular tools that will get you awesome Ambigrams are. With their help, you will create engaging messages for your users. Keep in mind that it’s better to use Word Art if you want to catch the user’s eye and CSS will help you rotate and showcase the Ambigram’s full functionality. Like we mentioned before, the following generators are available online for free.

  • Flipscript

This is one of the most simplistic variants. With it, you can create simple Ambigrams, so you don’t have the possibility to choose fonts or size. It creates graphics when you enter words or phrases into one of the fields from the website.

  • Ambigram

This tool is one of the most straightforward from our list. The source allows you to create awesome art online without any unnecessary steps. The typographical creation can be completed by entering the text, choosing your favourite font and pressing the button.

  • Truly Science Ambigram Generator

This version is another creativity booster. Also, it allows you to understand how Ambigrams work. It can be sued by entering one word or phrases into the dedicated space online.

Next to the website mentioned above, typographical creativity can be developed while you are on the go as well. Some cool apps support you throughout the process.

  • An Android app called Ambimatic Ambigram Generator

This app has the same features as the website, but it is designed only for Android users. Download it and start using it for free!

  • OMNI is the second Android app designed for Ambigrams

This is the most engaging free Ambigram app available for Android. If you have your WiFi on, the ads will overwhelm you, but once you turn it off you can use the app until you get used to it. Another solution is to get the paid version. In addition, the tool has a great social media policy, therefore it has developed a strong Facebook community. You can communicate with the other users and get inspired.

Now that you know which the most popular Ambigram generators available for free are, let’s learn more on how to create typographical writing.

  • Enigma – for this creation, the letters are used in a clever way;
  • Voltica;
  • Deep Guy – the letters D and G are interchanged, so they are readable from both sides;
  • Hope Faith;
  • Word and number Ambigrams – numbers look good in Ambigrams;
  • Skrillex Ambigram Logo;
  • Yocki;
  • Peta Ambigram;
  • Yocki

As a conclusion, we advise you to learn more information on Ambigrams and even tutorials on how they are made. When you think that you are ready, just try to create your own with one of the Ambigram generators presented above.

News Tech

OnePlus 6T Launch Noticed by Apple – Competitors Have Their Eye On OnePlus

According to past rumors, OnePlus 6T was supposed to be launched on October 17th, but this turned out to be incorrect and it was later officially announced that the newest OnePlus’ device will make its debut on October 30th in New York City. However, it looks like the launch event might be ruined, as Apple plans to unveil its new devices, iPad Pro 2018 and Macs, in the same place and at the same time.

Apple will take OnePlus’ spotlight

OnePlus 6T is expected to be an improvement over OnePlus 6, which itself makes this smartphone quite exciting. Unfortunately for the Chinese company, the media attention on the day of its launch will surely be focused on Apple and its new devices, even though OnePlus 6T, a smartphone, is not a direct competitor of iPad Pro and iMac.

Huawei and Google already launched their smartphones

But this is not the only worry for OnePlus. The fact that they will hold the event at the end of October gives a huge advantage to Huawei and Google, who already unveiled their smartphones, Mate 20 Pro and Pixel 3, earlier this month. Moreover, both devices, although they are more expensive, are more interesting than OnePlus 6T.

No company can beat Apple’s press conferences

Apple is known for its entertaining press conferences, which always gather the attention of the whole world. OnePlus cannot match the American company, as no matter what they will present on stage, the coverage they will get is going to be limited.

The launch event of OnePlus 6T is set to start at 11:00 AM EST at Pier 36 in New York City, exactly one hour later than Apple’s event, which, surprisingly, will take place in the same city at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

News Tech

Pokémon GO 0.123.2 APK Update Available to Download

Pokemon Go, the hero game from Niantics, has been very popular when it first got launched, but its fame started to erode over time. In order to keep those levels from falling, the developers of the game are trying to make the game better with every update. Some of these improvements include new pokemons and many other features. Now for the v0.123.2 version of Pokemon Go, you will be delighted to find out that it is now available. What the v0.123.2 version introduces is bug fixes and performance improvements that will make every player’s experience better. The problems that players experienced with the level 40 has also been fixed.

The pokemons from the Sinho region are now coming to the Pokemon Go thanks to the v0.123.2 update. Besides that, you will also be able to choose multiple pokemons while you are focused on preparing for a Gym battle. Some other improvements include the introduction of the AR+ support for specific Android devices which will provide impressive gaming experiences while playing Pokemon Go. In addition to that, v0.123.2 bring modifications to the friends and gift request notification which are now more visible.

If you want to download the v0.123.2 version for the Pokemon Go game, you should access this link: The link we provided you with represents the safest source from where you can download the latest version of APK files including the v0.123.2. In case your phone does not allow you to download files from unknown sources, all you need to do is go to Settings. When you arrive there, you need to go to Security from where you scroll down until you see the Unknown sourced. After that, you change the setting and get the download going now.

Games News

‘Dragon Age’ and ‘Skyrim’ Comes With New Modes Available


A broody elf is always welcomed in every game, so Dragon Age II’s Fenris can be brought into the mix. Tevinter has a tragically romantic elf who is now in Tamriel and has not changed his voice. However, there is one thing that changed, and that is his tragic backstory. Now it is fitted for The Elder Scrolls lore.


The character from Skyrim, even though the game is glorious, is not that great. However, if you use these simple mods, you will be able to pay a visit to the fan favorites from Dragon Age II and Dragon Age: Origins.

Dragon Age Origins Followers mod by ‘Andruniel’ is the one we will be talking about. According to the person who created it, Dragon Age Origins Followers, lore-friendly to Skyrim. Characters such as Leliana, Morrigan, Shale are fully voiced. Enhanced AI is provided. Unique follower framework is present as well. You can ride own horses. Morrigan can now make potions and many more.

Some of the other features include: lore-friendly story & dialogue, ‘Call [Name]’ power included if you get separated when Followers are actively Following, Dismiss and send to city inns, Temples, or other specific places (at this point, only the Default dismiss works, papyrus is being a snotty git), Warp to Player if they fall behind or get separated.

Now, this is the mod everybody was expecting. This is the best way in which you can have Leliana, Wynn, Alistair, Morrigan, Shale, and Zevra back.

You can now get back in contact with the best characters in the history of Dragon Age and live all those great memories again. You can finally do all of that by downloading the mod we mentioned.

News Tech

Will Quantum Computers Revolutionize the Conventional Computers?

The development of quantum technology is one of the main occupations in researcher’s plans. David Gosset from the Institute for Quantum Computing, Robert Konig, professor for the theory of complex quantum systems at the TUM and Sergey Bravyi from IBM are working together to develop more in this field.

So what is the difference between a conventional computer and a quantum computer?

Well, the computers we know run on the binary numbers 0 and 1, which have the role in mathematical operations. A microscopic point on a microchip is the conventional memory of a conventional computer and it can determine if the smallest unit of information is 0 or 1. It usually performs operations slower and separately.

On the other hand, a quantum computer’s bit can be simultaneously 0 and 1 because it follows the laws of quantum physics which say that electrons can be present in multiple places at the same time.  A quantum bit is also called qubits. A quantum computer runs and has the ability to solve bugs at a faster rate.

David Gosset, Robert Konig and Sergey Bravyi have built up a quantum circuit to prove furthermore the advantages of a quantum computer. The circuit is able to solve algebraic that are pretty hard to and performs a limited number of tasks in each qubit.

Why the quantum algorithm is better than any classical circuit?

The quantum algorithm achieves the nonlocality of quantum physics. The advantages of these quantum computers have not been totally proved but the evidence point in the right way. But it is fair to say that there is a possibility that the solution to solve these problems has just been found for conventional computers.

‘Our result shows that quantum information processing really dies to provide benefits, without having to rely on unproven complexity theoretic conjectures’ Robert Konig said about the new results of their research.

The quantum circuit has a simple structure and is showing characteristics of being a candidate for a future experimental realization of quantum algorithms.

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